girl time

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Opal was getting the house ready for Donald and Della to get here they are going to stay with her, Duckworth, and her father while aunt Hortensia and uncle Quackmore where on vacation. Opal loves her cousins even though they were three years younger than her. " Lady Opal I highly suggest you came down from the rafters." Opal just sigh at the Butler/friend. " But Duckworth I want to show Donald and Della what mrs. beakley has been teaching me."

Before Duckworth could speak again the front door open and in came her father and her cousin. " Wow uncle Scrooge you really live here." Donald said in amassment he is wearing a blue sailor suit." And we getting live here  for a hole month." Said Della who was wearing a Pilot's outfit. " Yes children you will be staying here with my, Opal, and our Butler Duckworth until your parents are back from vacation."

At the menchin of her name opal did a backflip off the raptors and stuck the landing right in front of her cousin's cosing both of the to jump back with a yell. " Hey Della Donald! It is so good to see you again." Donald looked at her in confusion and Della looked at her with amazement. " Oh my God Opal that was amazing when did you learn how to do that!" Della was practically bouncing in place Opal smiled at her cousin. " Well with how many enemies father has mrs. beakley thought it would be a good idea for me to know how to defend myself."
" You got to teach me some of your moves!" " Of course come on." Opal grabbed Della's hand and pulled her cousin to a different part of the machine.

opal Goldie McDuckWhere stories live. Discover now