Telling the kids

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Scrooge and Goldie walked into the room holding hands the kids where playing. Opal was the first one to see them she smiles at the site of her parents holding hands hoping that they would actually get married she hated how People call her mother Scrooge baby mama. But the look on there faces told her that this was not good news. " kids can you come here for a moment." This scared opal even more dad sounded so sad and it looked like both he and mom had been crying. All three kids went up to the two older ducks Scrooge kneeled down to there height. " you know that Hortense and quackmore where coming back from there vacation today." The ducklings nodded not liking where this was going. " well the plain they where on crashed and there was no services." The ducklings just stood in shook not  processing what Scrooge just said. Then tears filled Donald dellas and opals eyes and Scrooge and Goldie pulled them into a family hug Donald cried silently, fella Keeped repeating how this cannot be happening and opal was thinking about what it would fell like to lose her parents." It is going to be ok kiddos we will get throw this." Goldie said softly. " how! Mom and dad are dead and what is going to happen to Donald and me!" " you both are staying right here with me, opal, and aunt Goldie."

The funeral for Hortense and quackmore was simple at grandma ducks farm, every member of the family was there even Scrooge parents came Matilda,  Ludwig and there three children Anya, Corvus, and Klara stood with Scrooge, Goldie and the kids and the mcduck parents stood together with grandma ducks. After the Service opal, Donald, Della, Gladstone, fethry, Anya, Corvus, and klara all grouped together while the adult talked to each other. " Hortense was always a force of nature i can't fathom her being gone." Matilda said through tears. " da she never let anyone or anything get in her way." Ludwig said his arm around his wife trying to Comfort her. " quackmore was the same way that is why they loved each other so much." Grandma duck added.

Fergus pulled Goldie aside." so o' guilt what are you going to do I can tell my son loves you more than the loves money but are you going to leave again and Break both his and precious opals heart." Goldie stood up tall not letting this old duck intimidate her. " I know you don't like me much Fergus and Hortense didn't ether but I love both Scrooge and opal more than gold and I am not leveling never again." Fergus didn't change from its Stone cold expression but then a small smile appeared on his face." You better Goldie."

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