happy birthday opal

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Today was a cool October morning and Scrooge was already up because today was his daughter Opal's bithday
He had Duckworth prepare the main room for the party it was going to have a small party just his sister's and there husband's we're going to be there his parents never leave there Castle.

As the party was in full swing Opal was in Matilda arms she was wearing a little pink dress with little flowers on it.  her husband Ludwig was making her smile with all he science talk, Scrooge hilly dowted she was actually understandings what he said
And thought his voice since he keep switching from English to Germany.

" Well Scroogey this is some party you are having."  Everyone turned and so a duck with golden hair that was in a ponytail also she was wearing safary clothes. Scrooge stud up tall and faced Goldie. Hestea let out a growl." What are you doing hear you Wich." Goldie didn't pay Hestea's threat any mind as she and Scrooge had a glaring contestants.

" Mama!" Opal yelled as she tried to get out of Matilda grasp to get to her mother but her aunt held fast not trusting this woman but Goldie's eye softened at the site of her daughter. " Hello my gem happy birthday I've got something for you." Goldie pulled out a dark brown teddy bear with a yellow bowtie. Opal squeald at the site of the toy and quickly took it up in her arms the bear was almost the same size as her. " So are we going to continue this party."

opal Goldie McDuckWhere stories live. Discover now