10. || 1

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Me and Derek have been best friends for years before we met the pack, I mean I practically grew up in the Hale household before the fire. When the fire happened, and Derek left town we didn't lose touch at all I came out to visit him and Laura every weekend.

They even offered me to leave with them I declined knowing I couldn't leave my family even if I wanted, I also knew Scott and Stiles before the pack as well, the boys being my best friends along with Lydia and Jackson.

Scott introduced me to Allison we were good friends until she was manipulated by Kate then we slowly drifted became friends again until she got manipulated by Gerard then I didn't think I could forgive her.

But slowly after 4 months we became friends again the time she was in Paris helped. Me and Isaac have been friends since Derek turned him as well as Erica and Boyd we soon became like a little family.

And slowly the pack grew and grew and grew and eventually it became the pack it is today, Scott's pack joined Derek's as Scott submitted to him.

We are all currently in a pack meeting sat in Derek's loft bored as can be, I say we more like me. I am a human, so Derek never lets me train with the werewolves not matter how much I beg he won't let me.

Allison and Lydia are shopping and Stiles is ill it's just me laying on the couch whilst everyone trains. Apparently, I am a distraction so I got sent inside, me and Stiles were on FaceTime, but he was to poorly you could hear it in his voice.

Scott came in first attempting to hug me, but I told him to get in the shower and then I will hug him. The rest of the pack followed in behind him and got told the same thing including Derek who obviously doesn't know what no means.

He chased me around the whole house before finally tackling me to the ground with his sweaty body we stayed like that for a couple of minutes him just led on my chest and me playing with his hair before the rest of them came downstairs. "Come on we need to sort out this alpha pack business" I say whispering to him to which he replied with a small grumble but complying and getting off of me.

The rest of them soon joined us on the couch snuggling in together like one big family and that's exactly what we are, I don't know what I would do if I lost one of them, I couldn't imagine, no I don't want to imagine it. We started to discuss the current situation the alpha pack coming to town, whilst Scott was explaining what I already know I start to zone out.

I subconsciously rest my head on Derek's shoulder liking the feeling of him being so close, he embraced the feeling putting his arm around me as we continue are discussion on how to stop the alpha pack, I say we discussed its more like they discussed. I start to feel hungry and me basically living at Derek's loft I don't even need to ask to get food anymore.

I get up going into the kitchen already knowing the fridge and cupboards are full of food as Derek made me go grocery shopping with him, he didn't know what to get why he didn't go with Isaac I'm not sure but either way I went without any complaints.

I make myself a peanut butter and jam sandwich but as I make it, I dance around the kitchen in my own little world when Isaac came in without me noticing well, until he spoke up. "Hey mom, what you doing?" Isaac asks curiously and chuckling to himself.

"Jesus Christ Isaac your gonna give me a heart attack before the age of 20 if you carry on this way" I say smiling at the blonde boy not realising the name he called me before.

"Can you make me one" he says pulling his puppy dog eyes, I mean only a monster could say no to that.

"Of course, darling what do you want in it?" I ask with a smile getting out some more bread.

"Ham and cheese please" he says smiling before jumping up onto the kitchen counter whilst I make his sandwich. Once I was done, I cut it in half and put in on a plate before giving it to him.

"Thanks mom" he says causing me to look up at him wide eyed and a little confused.

"Isaac what did you just call me?" I ask looking at the boy in front of me not really knowing what to say I know he's had a hard past with his family and I guess in a way I kinda act like his mom, I was going for more of big sister vibes but yanno whatever floats your boat, I guess.

"What are you talking about" he says looking at me confused speaking with his mouth full, causing me to literally gag, this boy will be the death of me.

"Don't worry I must be hearing things" I say he looks at me confused but just shrugs it off. "Oh, and Isaac, don't talk with your mouth full" I say sternly he just nods his head about to apologise when he notices his mouth is full again causing me to chuckle.

He went back into the living room which is now practically empty Derek had gotten in the shower and Erica and Boyd were in their room, Scott was watching tv waiting for me to give him a lift home whilst I am washing up the dishes in the kitchen.

I soon join Isaac and Scott who had made themselves comfy on the sofa, I sat down beside them before putting on a movie we were watching the avengers before the pack meeting, so we put it back on. We watched it all huddled up together Scott was snuggled up into my side whilst Isaac had his head in my lap sound asleep.

After feeling my eyes slowly starting to close, I realise it's time I go home before my step mom goes mad for me staying at Derek's again. I slowly nudge Scott pointing down to Isaac with a smile playing on my lips before whispering to Scott and moving ever so carefully to not to wake up the little beta.

"Hey, Scotty. Do you mind taking him upstairs to his room? And then we can get going as I want to check in on Stiles" I say running my fingers through the curls in the boy's hair who let out a sigh of content snuggling closer into my lap.

"Of course, mom" Scott says causing my head to snap up almost giving myself whiplash whilst Scott doesn't pay any attention to what he just called me instead his attention is on a grumbling Isaac who doesn't want to move. But Scott pry's him of off me and Isaac turns around snuggling into Scott's chest.

But I couldn't think about that right now, the only thing I can think about is the fact that Scott and Isaac have called me mom and when I asked Isaac about it, he acted like he didn't know what he said. Why the hell are they calling me mom I'm the same age as them?

I knew Isaac called me mom in the kitchen, but I passed it off as if it had something to do with his own mother and didn't want to push him on that subject knowing how sensitive it is. I walk upstairs and go into Derek's room wanting to ask him about it, but he is sound asleep I let out a sigh looking over at the gorgeous man who looks so peaceful.

I'll ask tomorrow there is no way I am waking him up now, for all I know it could just be a prank. I walk into Isaac's room to see him sound asleep arms around Scott who was drifting off. He mouths over to me 'leave without me' bless him there so cute. I blow him a kiss before shutting Isaac's bedroom door, I went out to my car deep in thought what the hell is going on.

Oh, well I'm going to check on Stiles then head home that's enough werewolf business for one day. After I leave Stiles' house, I get an angry text from my step mom asking me where I guess its time to go home.

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