73. || not your normal count down to christmas

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The next morning when I wake up, I feel this unbearable emptiness, this feeling of depression, almost as if I move, I'll break down. So, I don't. I don't move, I just lay there in bed as Derek wraps his arms around me tighter, but the feeling doesn't feel as comforting as it normally does it feels so ridiculously foreign that I want to move but I can't move, I feel so lost that moving isn't even a thought going around my head.

So, I lay there ignoring everything and everyone around me. When Derek wakes up, I don't move I just continue to stare at that one patch on the wall. The pups come in at some point, but Derek sends them away not wanting to upset me further.

Melissa comes by wanting to check me over and Derek has to reign back his wolf to let her come near his mate in a vulnerable state, he has to remind his wolf that she needs to check the stitching for his mate's benefit.

Y/n doesn't move.

If Derek couldn't hear her heartbeat and see the rise and fall of her chest, he would think she's dead. When Melissa comes up to check his mate over, she just lays there unmoving, she doesn't put up a fight when Derek moves her, she acts as if she's paralysed.

Derek wants to be sick; his mate looks so vulnerable so broken, she just lays there silent letting them move her into various positions so Melissa can check her over with minimal touching.

A week goes by, the same thing happens. She doesn't move or speak, to start off with they were worried how they were able to get food and water in her as she will let Derek guide her however, he needs too.

She doesn't like anyone else moving her, and Derek doesn't like it either, they let the pups come in and see their mom, but she doesn't say anything or move at all.

In the middle of the second week, y/n moves herself getting up to use there en-suite bathroom, it might not seem much but it's major progress.

That seemed to be the upward turn because by the end of the second week y/n was more relaxed and calm not stiff and unmoving. In fact, when Derek woke up one morning y/n wasn't next to him he freaked out until he saw her making some coffee.

He pretended he didn't notice and got back into bed, which he is so glad he did because she brought the coffee back to bed and as she waited for it to cool, she even snuggled back down into Derek.

By the start of the third week y/n was up and about moving around when everyone else was awake, she was starting to work through it and piece her life back together as she moves forward.

In the middle of the third week Isaac had another nightmare and somehow y/n just knew he needed her, so she spoke softly for the first time in three weeks calming him down and, in the morning, when Derek woke up to y/n not being there and not hearing her moving around he freaked out.

He was running around the house until he decided to listen to her heartbeat, that's when he found her in Isaacs's bed, Isaacs's face smushed into her neck as he clings onto her like the world was going to end. 

That's when Derek knew y/n was finally reconstructing her life and carrying forwards, they've overcome the worst of it together and soon there will be some good parts.

By week 4 the acceptance finally started to settle in, and everyone could see the difference in their mother's behaviour she became herself again, even if she was a little jumpy, she started doing things without Derek, well to an extent when her dad made an unexpected visit, she didn't leave Derek's side until he left.

It took her a while to calm down and Derek was about ready to kill the man who had the balls to show up and ruin everything just as she was getting better but didn't bother to show up through the worst of it. But she didn't let him ruin everything, she continued fighting like the survivor she was.

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