57. || memories

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(Hey guys sorry it's took so long hope you enjoy ~ Hazza)

Memories. Memories make up a person whether there good or bad but being trapped in different memories is torture. Memories bring us together there the fuel and the fire to life, igniting an everlasting flame that speaks of magic and legend.

My memories, the good and the painful, are photographs and I can choose what kind of album I wish to build.

My point is that they're my memories no one else's so no one has the right to mess or tamper with them.

The whirlwind of memories going around my head right now is actually painful, and the worst part is I don't know what's true and what's false.

"Hey mo- y/n" I hear Isaac say as he approaches me and Stiles the pack following behind him.

Some of the others shot him a glare, knowing that he can't call me that in school. I give him a shocked look whilst his cheeks turn scarlet my poor puppy.

"Isaac, you know what was said about saying that in school" I say sternly whilst the rest of them looked like a kicked puppy just like.

"We can't let anyone know about the supernatural or become suspicious" Stiles adds because he's always the one with his head screwed on.

"Maybe you guys should start calling me y/n all the t—" but I immediately get cut off by everyone.

"NO!" they all look at me horrified for even suggesting that I glare slightly at them.

"It was only a suggestion, no need to bite me head off" I say looking at them with a raised eyebrow quite surprised at the way they reacted because they never shout at me.

Some of them nod whilst others look to panicked to do so, I give up knowing this conversation isn't going anywhere so I walk out, I can hear the pack chasing after me unsure of what I'm thinking. Once we get outside the cafeteria I turn to the pack with a questioning gaze.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking at the pack who are looking around nervously.

"Well, we technically didn't do anything wrong it was—" Stiles attempts to blame Isaac the werewolf lets out a growl looking at him angrily before moving closer to me. We walk to the boys locker-room knowing it's the only room that is ever free at lunch as some girls always hang out there at lunch.

"Why was everyone so anxious? What's going on with you guys" I start my questioning, confusion seeping into my voice, but Isaac doesn't say anything he just moves closer looking down at his feet, I raise an eyebrow even more curious now about the packs unusual behaviour.

The pack look at each other none of them speaking for a moment until my little blondie breaks the silence.

"You're our mom. You look after us, you make us feel safe, you make us feel wanted and the feeling of not being able to have that, well it's not nice" Erica says trying her best to use her words, she tries to ease the deepness of her words with a little shrug, but we all know what she means.

"Yeah, but I'll still be all those things, I mean I love the fact that you call me mom, but we can't have anyone else knowing. And if you really think about it, I couldn't possibly be your mom, I'm 18, extremely immature and some of you have amazing mothers at home" I say even though something inside at me is screaming and telling me to shut up.

"You act like our mom whenever all of the pack is together, or if we're on our own and especially when we're injured. You act like more of a mom than mine ever did" Boyd answers this time and it surprises me even though he is genuinely quite chatter when we're alone he still limits his words with the pack.

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