96. || dead body goes nice with a hangover

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I feel the bright light bore into the bedroom burning my eyes and making the pounding in my head worse. I groan hiding my eyes into the warm chest that's in front of me, my mouth feels awfully dry but I'm too comfy to move.

"Are you finally awake? I never thought I'd have to say that to you" Derek groans running his fingers through my hair, I let out a groan of my own not liking that I was being moved from my sunglasses, his chest is the only thing protecting me from the sun that is peaking through.

"Tell Scott to bring me some water" I mutter with a soft smile; my arms tighten around Derek's waist not ready to let him go yet.

"And some painkillers, a lot of pain killers." I can feel Derek chuckling against me causing me to frown. "It's not funny you, asshole."

"Morning mom" Scott says with a smile filled with happiness causing me to frown, who the hell is this happy in the morning.

"Your mother is being grumpy because she has a hangover don't even attempt a conversation" Derek says teasingly causing me to gasp loudly, offended by this.

I can hear the pups moving around, I know there just waiting for their chance to rush in, but they already know that their moms going to be in a bad mood, if the other girls' moods are anything to go off of.

Even Kira, the literal definition of all things happy from sunshine to freaking rainbows, is frowning because her head feels like it's been hit with two tonnes of caca.

I take the painkillers quickly ruffling up Scott's hair in thanks, and that's when Aiden comes rushing in with a mug of coffee and a smile on his face.

"Good morning, mom" Aiden says softly seemingly understanding that his den mother can't handle too much happiness at this time and in this much pain, he comes over nuzzling his face in my neck before rushing off back downstairs.

"Hmm, I think I'm loving this a bit too much" Derek says with a smile causing me to raise an eyebrow not really understanding where the alpha is coming from.

"You being hungover, extra time in bed, extra cuddles, you smell more like me, and I'm the responsible one!"

"Yeah, this is definitely the life" Derek says with a soft sigh causing me to raise an eyebrow once more.

"You're an idiot Derek Hale" I say glaring at him, even though I secretly love it when his softer side comes out, it reminds me so much of how he acted like before the fire, when we were in this house with his family and my mom.

"Who would have thought I'd be here right now" I say smiling softly.

Derek raises an eyebrow confused to where all of this has come from one minute I'm calling him an idiot, then I go quiet for a couple of minutes clearly deep in thought and the next thing you know I'm being all sentimental.

"I mean don't get me wrong I wouldn't trade any of this for the world, but I never thought this would be where I ended up."

"I always pictured me graduating earlier and going off to the FBI academy and maybe Harvard if I needed it, I still have the credits to graduate now but I want to spend as much time with you and the pups before I go there" I say caressing his jaw, Derek's frown hardens he hates the thought of his mate being miles away for a long period of time.

"I don't want you to go" Derek whispers with furrowed eyebrows, he knows he would never stop his mate from achieving her dreams but the selfish part of him doesn't think he can let her go, not again.

"I know baby, but we'll get through it the years will go by and before you know it, I'll be back home doing a job I love" I tell him with a smile on my face.

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