112. || indecisive voting

523 10 1

School seems to go by so slowly when we have things to do, it drags on majorly as we wait for the final bell to ring in our last lesson of the day. I agreed to meet Theo at the end of the day as the pack still don't know about this and if they think a strange were is following us to the loft it could end in a blood shed.

However, the boys don't let me go alone; Scott, Isaac, Jackson, Liam, and Stiles go with me to meet Theo, normally there'd be a lot more pups with me but as the rest of the pack still don't know about this there isn't. We walk around the corner into the parking lot, to find Theo waiting by the back entrance.

"Hey Theo. Are you ready to meet the rest of the pack" I ask with a smile to which I earn a nod, I assume he's not talking out of nerves.

"Derek's the alpha and he'd tear your throat out with his teeth if you make him angry, so I'd go careful if I were you Theo" Stiles says snidely earning a high five from Liam and eye rolls from the rest of us.

I go to scold him but knowing that he has to be really uncomfortable for him to be acting this way stops me from doing so. We walk over to my car because both Jackson and Stiles have brought theirs to school and reluctantly drive their vehicles home, but they do feel calmer when Isaac, Scott and Liam are going in the car with me.

Just because they feel like Theo could be pack doesn't stop him from being a stranger, which still deters them from leaving me alone with him. Not to mention that he didn't ask for permission to enter are territory but with his age I put it down to lack of knowledge.

"How many members are in the pack, including you guys?" Theo asks as soon as I pull out of the car park.

"Why planning on killing us?" Liam snaps earning a slap from Isaac for his rudeness, whilst I roll my eyes at the children.

"Well, there's 21 including us and that's not including those who are teetering on pack, like Braeden and Brett" I say causing Theo's eyes to widen clearly expecting there to be less.

It doesn't take us long to reach the loft, none of us explain to Theo that this isn't the pack house because although Liam and Stiles are being overprotective, we still don't know Theo and we aren't about to explain all are secrets to him yet.

We walk into the loft and that's when I realise, I need to do this carefully as I don't want Derek to attack him so I tell Theo to wait outside with Liam who seems over the moon about being the babysitter but when he realises that he can keep a close eye on the werecoyote he agrees almost instantly.

I walk in and I'm greeted by Derek immediately as the alpha runs over to me in a puppy like manner leaning in to kiss me until he stops himself being able to smell the strong scent of another were on me, a were that isn't pack, and he feels a loud snarl fall from his lips as he pulls me close to him as if to protect me from the strangers scent.

"Why do you smell like another were?" Derek growls out angrily, wondering who has the audacity to disrespect him like that, it's not like it's one of Satomi's packs either as he can't smell her scent.

"I smell like another wolf because I have a surprise for you, okay?" I say waiting for him to calm down enough for me to grab Liam and Theo who are waiting behind the door to the loft, I know Derek's picked up on the strange heartbeat outside and is waiting here unimpressed.

"Derek meet Theo, Theo meets Derek. He's the alpha of our pack and one day he could be your alpha if this works out. Derek is my mate, if you have yet to figure that out, that's why I had to leave you outside" I explain causing the boy to nod clearly intimidated yet pleased by this information.

"So, we are going to have a pack meeting with Theo here and then later on tonight we're gonna make a vote about whether we should let Theo stay for a trial run, sound good?" I ask looking up at my mate who nods in awe, loving it when his mate takes charge.

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