25. || pack mom: part 6

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This morning was no different to the rest I went to school, but Derek insisted on taking me there and back, Liam was acting as if he was attached to my hip all day but other than that everything way normal. I have to go to my dad's tonight as my stepmom says we never spend any time together anymore, hmmm I wonder why but to save arguments I decide to go.

Derek initially said no but after ignoring him for a couple of hours he changed his mind as long as he takes me there and back, he is fine, I agree, and this will also let me get some alone time as she won't be home until later.

Derek drops me off at my dad's giving me a kiss and telling me to be safe before leaving, I walk up the drive but for once I can't hear my brothers tv blaring and my dad's car isn't here, so I guess I'm home alone.

Which is unusual but the weirdness doesn't stop there as I get to the front door there is a present sat on the doormat, the little package isn't big but isn't small either it is in a red box with a red ribbon wrapped around it. I lift the box up searching for a tag...

Dear y/n

You are my love poem,
Written not in word yet emotion,
Told not in voice but the eyes,
And the brightest hues of emotion,
Exploding my monochrome world,
Into a rainbow wonderland.

This gift is to bring joy to a perfect girl with the most delicious lips, here I shred the crimson blood of a pure white rabbit to help satisfy your sin.

What, in the holy hell is he talking about? If this is Derek's idea of being romantic or to apologise for literally suffocating me over these couple of days? I mean I'm grateful for the gift, but couldn't he have written the note a little less creepy because right now I am getting serial killer vibes and it isn't setting the mood.

I roll my eyes slightly thinking about Derek trying to write a romantic note, but a faint smile still plays on my lips as I look at the nicely wrapped gift, he must have gotten one of Liam to wrap it as he cannot wrap for shit.

I unlock the front door a smile playing on my lips still he is so cute, god I love him and if this is his way of earning extra brownie points it's definitely working. I set the present on the side flicking the kettle on knowing it's going to be a long night, placing my handbag down. I go back over to the present with a smile but once I open it the smile instantly fades.

I drop the package on the ground letting out a blood curdling scream the look of fear stays in my eyes whilst paranoia fills my body. What on earth, I try to get my breathing back to normal stopping the panic attack that's rising, swallowing the saliva that's accumulated in my mouth. The vile smell fills the kitchen but what brings me out of my trance like trace is the loud sound of the kettle boiling.

Inside the package that quite obviously came from hell, is a dead grey rabbit. The poor rabbits' eyes aren't even shut they just stare at the ceiling, staring at nothing. Already becoming drier and duller. She was young and healthy, other than the fact that the poor little thing is dead. The slit in her neck being the cause of that, she probably didn't even die straight away.

This is so wrong and gruesome. Why would Derek send me this to me it's wrong on so many levels but it's not only wrong it's cruel as well. I pull my phone out of my pocket about to call Derek when it starts to ring. I answer the phone straight away feeling the anger pulse through me I am fuming.

"Derek, you better explain to me what on eart-" but before I could finish my sentence a very anxious voice came through the phone.

"Y/N! Where are you?" He asks clearly stressed and worried; I push the anger down for a moment trying to work out what's gotten Derek so worked up.

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