32. || part one

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POV y/n

Right now, I am sat at my dad's house it's been 2 weeks since the pack have been home, and my dad wanted me to spend some time with him which is understandable as we haven't spent any time together in ages. But it isn't quite how I imagined it, last night was a shit show. I told Derek about the emissary mission that me and Braeden are going on and we argued for ages the only reason we stopped was because I needed to leave to go to my dad's.

I woke up to the sound of some type of glass breaking, I let out a sigh knowing I'm going to have to investigate what the sound was. This morning I feel like shit dad left to go to work before I even woke up and all I can think about is how much me and Derek have been arguing at the moment.

After not hearing another crash, I assume that it's my stepmom being clumsy and dropping something, I go straight to the bathroom to get ready for school. I shower wash my hair and put on my blue tight crop top and some black jeans. I leave my wet curls down to naturally dry and I do some natural makeup.

Once I'm ready for school I slowly make my way downstairs hoping my stepmom would be asleep, I walk down the creaky stairs on my tip toes praying that the broken glass was an accident. Maybe she dropped something by mistake, after all the careful creaking I go into the kitchen and that's when I see her.

My stepmom is on the floor with a bottle of whiskey in hand and glass is everywhere, but what really breaks my heart is the broken picture of my mom all ripped up. It's a picture of the whole family and of course she had to rip it up it was one of the last pictures all of us ever took together.

I just let the tears fall down my face, I grab the photo folding it up and putting in my pocket before wiping the rest of the tears away before they dry to my face. I quickly left the house without breakfast feeling sick to my stomach instead of hungry I get in my car and drive to school trying to wrap my head around everything but sadly I can't do that in such a short drive.

Derek and I got into an argument last night which seems to be becoming a regular occurrence, we haven't been getting on very well but last night topped it all off we were arguing for hours. I even went as far as to shut my windows it wasn't because I didn't want the pups to come in it was to do with the fact, I didn't want Derek to.

I pull up to the school, the soul sucking place also known as hell. I let out a sigh before parking the car and walking to first period, I don't always go to school. I have perfect grades and I could graduate early but my attendance needs to be higher before I graduate.

I make my way to first period when I see the pack all talking, I couldn't tell whether they are happy or sad but either way if I go over there, I will change the mood completely do I don't bother. Plus, I don't have the energy to say hi this morning.

I didn't sleep well last night, to be honest I didn't sleep at all. I'm tired and I don't want to ruin the pups fun, so I continue to walk to call without them, so they don't get annoyed at my presence or make the conversation so serious when it doesn't need to be.

I'm about to walk into class when I hear Scott calling my name, obviously it's my real name as we are in school and we don't want to draw attention to ourselves. I sight before trying my best to act happy, but it is especially hard at the moment. I make my way over to Scott and when nobody is listening it's when Scott says what he is really thinking.

"Mom, your window wasn't open last night. Why did you shut it? Are you mad at us?" Scott asks his voice in a hushed whisper; his lip is quivering slightly at the thought of me being angry at him it causes me to sigh.

"No, I just wanted to be alone Scotty. I had a lot going on and I wanted to spend time with my dad. Why did you come over, sweetheart" I ask with a forced smile on my face, Scott blushes slightly not wanting to say the real reason as it was mostly to do with him not being able to sleep as well when I'm not there, so he makes it up instead of telling his mom the truth.

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