77. || pregnancy is never easy

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We're all sat at the breakfast table Isaac snuggled into me as he sits on my lap; no one daring to try and talk or move him not after seeing how upset the boy was. Everyone knows Isaac's a delicate soul, but no one prepared them for just how delicate he can be when he's stressed or upset.

"Deaton is everything, okay?" I ask carefully as Alan decides to ignore the young betas outburst, the man nods looking his usual emotionless self, Derek's arms have tightened around me; the arrival of the druid is what set Isaac off and no one not even Deaton is stupid enough to try and remove the pup from the alpha pair.

"Of course, I just came to take another look. I wanted to make sure you are on the right track to healing—"

"We are more than capable of looking after are mom" Jackson growled out moving closer to his den parents not liking the druid's suggestion.

"I know it's just a simple follow up" Deaton says calmly causing me to sigh knowing the druid isn't going anywhere until he's gotten what he wants.

"Erica, darling can you please but the dishes in the dishwasher? I'll save you a seat next to me" I say looking at the blonde who looks like she's ready to pounce, Erica looks at me before letting out a sigh of defeat nodding her head as everyone moves into the living room.

Isaac isn't prepared to let go and when Liam goes to help him up, he snaps his teeth at him holding on tighter. I look up at Derek before nodding, the alpha looks at Deaton and honest to god smirks a smug smile as he picks us both up Isaac still attached to my front.

"Show off" Liam mutters but he still follows closely behind his alpha as we move the conversation to the living room.

We don't even get to start making small talk before Erica is coming back into the room full force and jumping onto Liam who growls slightly but lets her settle on top of him being able to smell her discomfort.

"You could've just asked" Liam says looking at Erica with what he thinks is an intimidating glare.

"Where's the fun in that?" Erica questions as we all turn to look back at the druid waiting for him to continue.

"I have a few more questions that I want to ask, I didn't think asking any questions after a bomb like that was dropped would've been a smart idea" Deaton says trying to lighten the mood, but he keeps his tone monotone and serious, so he fails, like dramatically fails.

"You're right we probably would've killed you" Jackson says bluntly causing my eyes to widen, I expect to hear Derek say something, but he doesn't.

"Jackson you can't say things like that" I say nudging the boy with my foot.

"Why? He's telling the truth. If Deaton was stupid enough to interrogate our den mother after informing us of the possibilities that could happen during your pregnancy, if no one else did anything I would've, and it would be far from painless I'll tell you" Boyd says shocking the druid further.

The dark skin teen is known for glaring and being intimidating but he never usually outwardly threatens someone in fact he doesn't like to talk that much when people who aren't pack are present.

"Vernon Boyd—" I attempt to disagree but Jackson's speaking up again.

"—come over and join us on the couch" Jackson says 'finishing' my sentence for me, Boyd looks at me questioningly.

"Obviously you can come over here, even if you do say some stupid things, you are still my baby" I say moving my legs so he can come sit over here.

"Deaton can you just get the questions over and done with so we can get back to planning the deaths of the other pack" Derek says sternly using his alpha voice that most definitely doesn't make me shiver.

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