118. || intuition

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After the crappy turn out to my first lesson my day doesn't seem to get any better, but it definitely doesn't get any worse. I know that I just need to suck it up and get on with it because there's no way I'm dealing with the consequences of skipping detention with Mr Harris.

At lunch the pack stick to me like glue as I told them that I have a detention after school and that will mess up are normal routine especially today as we were going to train and then have a pack night and watch movies. We were going to invite Theo but after finding out about my detention the pack suggested inviting him next time.

Although nothing has suggested that anything will go wrong my spark keeps stirring right under my skin as if warning me that something bad is going to happen. I don't know whether it's going to be during the day, in my detention or after as my spark is never super clear but I know that something isn't right.

My spark isn't always accurate either the slightest thing can set it off hence why I tell the pups not to wait for me and to just go straight home as I have my car and they have enough cars to just go home themselves. Then they can get an hour and a half of training in before I get back and after today, I don't really have the energy to train so we can just watch the movie straight away.

As the day progresses, I soon realise that maybe my spark is right as the constant feeling of someone watching me makes me feel uneasy and this feeling of unease only gets worse when my spark doesn't move from right under my skin. I try my best to just shake it off or put it down to stress and anxiety but right now I don't see how it can be just that.

I keep pushing through the day knowing that I can't just give up and if something bad is happening I don't want the pups around to witness it. Due to the twin alphas in town Derek sends me a text to be careful, he tries to persuade me to keep the pups around but not only do I not think it's a good idea, but Mr Harris will only make me stay longer if he thinks people are waiting for me.

So, I refuse his offer and tell him that I'll come home straight after my detention as all I want to do is go home and snuggle with the pack before going to bed. I'm tired, stressed and my spark is making me anxious all I want to do is sleep the day away and that's what I plan to do after my detention.

"Mom, are you sure that you don't want us to wait for you? We really don't mind" Scott asks but I just shake my head with a smile.

"I'll be completely fine. Tell Derek to stop worrying and I'll be home in about an hour and a half, plus you know if you guys stay Mr Harris will only keep me longer" I say ruffling the pup's hair.

"I know but it still sucks. What are we doing tonight anyway?" Stiles asks looking at me with a sympathetic smile already knowing what detention with Harris involves as he's had many of them.

"Well, you guys will be training whilst I'm in detention and then when I get back, I plan on making us a nice dinner and then we can watch a movie. Sound good?" I ask looking at the pups who nod eagerly, I know that most of them love the nights where we do nothing.

"Of course, it does your food is the best" Stiles answers practically moaning at the thought of a home cooked meal.

"Yeah, it sounds amazing will see you later mom" Scott says, I give the pups a quick kiss as we walk to lacrosse practice which is something that I have to get involved in now.

As lacrosse progresses I once again spot someone in the shadows, I strain my eyes trying to see who it is but in that small amount of time they're already gone. It feels like my mind is playing tricks on me because I don't understand how someone can be stood by the woods and then suddenly disappear in the span of two seconds.

After lacrosse I have my detention which is literally hell but on the bright side, I don't spot anyone else, no one is stood by the side and it doesn't feel like anyone is watching me, well other than the devil himself but that is his job. So, the feeling from before becomes easier to shake and I soon put it down to paranoia.

Detention finishes on the right time for once as Mr Harris was done with his torture, so I begin walking out of school. However as soon as I step outside the bad feeling picks up again as does the feeling of someone watching me. Trying not to let them know that I've caught on I continue walking to my car just a little quicker than before.

I take a chance on the way, turning to look behind me but I see something more than just a little unexpected a pair of bright red eyes staring back at me. I know that he's spotted me— that he sensed my emotions, and I also know that we're too out in the open for me to use my magic I mean Harris will be out any moment, so I make the decision and begin running.

I run as quickly as I can, pushing my magic into my legs to make me run faster, as I'm focusing my magic on making me run at an inhumanly possible speed I don't notice as my keys slip out of my pocket until I get to my car and realise that I can't unlock it. I scan my surroundings as fast as I possibly can and when I don't spot the alpha but spot my keys right by my car, I bend down to pick them up, having hope that I'll get out of here okay.

But the hope is soon taken as I lean down to pick up my keys and feel an inhuman force on the back of my head forcing it into the side of my car, knocking me out clean. There's no way I could fight the consciousness that is slipping from me as the force was strong enough to kill someone, so it's out of my control when my eyes slip shut, and I'm forced into the land of the unconscious.

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