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When December came to beacon hills the alpha pair got used to the pack being young. Even though Deaton and I are still working out ways to turn them back we have had no luck so far.

We are thinking about contacting more powerful Druid's who know a bit more than Deaton and we are holding of just a little bit longer as we don't know what they will want in return.

Beacon Hills for the first time in decades is greeted with a thin layer of fluffy white snow laid everywhere. The Hale house has finally been fixed, it took so long as we needed to rebuild it after what the witch did and then on top of that we needed to modify it to fit the pups new needs.

The whole pack stay here now, and there are a few extra rooms for Cora, Mason, Danny and Peter plus a spare guest room.

Peter and Derek are getting along a lot better than they have done since everything that happened with Laura. I wouldn't say it's put behind them, but they just don't bring it up and continue with their lives, it's progress.

Speak of the two, they are both currently sat drinking coffee watching as their friends and family play outdoors.

"So, dear nephew. Have you thought about asking Cora to come for Christmas? I know y/n wants her to come down" Peter asks innocently.

"Of course, I have" Derek huffs already having the conversation with his mate. "She just hasn't answered me."

"Is that so?" Peter asks doing the classic Hale brow. "When did you last talk? According to y/n are just being stubborn." Derek has to think for a moment before answering knowing whatever he says will in fact go straight back to his mate.

"August, I think? Sometime around summer" Derek says causing Peter to sigh and set his mug on the coffee table.

"Are you sure you're pressing send?" Peter asks snickering at his own joke.

"Of course, I am" Derek snaps. "Look, if she wants to come, she'll come, if she doesn't, we'll just deal with it on our own way."

"If you say so" Peter sing songs finding its way to easy to irritate the younger Hale. Peter finished his coffee putting his mug in the sink and goes to leave the room. "I'm going outside. Come join us when you're done blaming yourself for your little sister wanting time to heal."

Derek lets out a sigh and sets his mug down, he thinks to himself for a moment before deciding to join the others as well.

Derek walks outside, expecting to see his pack doing what his family used to do when it snowed; building snowmen and snow forts, making snow angels and catching snowflakes on their tongues, chasing and tackling each other to the ground.

Instead, he walks out only to be hit square in the face with a snowball. It was silent for a moment as Derek wipes it off. He looks at his pack who stand frozen waiting for someone to speak.

"SCOTT THREW IT!!!" Everyone tells in unison as they all point at the true alpha who gulps but doesn't move. Derek slowly walks or more so stalks over towards Scott and stops in front of him.

"Did you throw it?" Derek asks calmly Scott nods sheepishly. "Do you know what happens when you hit me right in the fucking face with a cold as shit snowball." Scott whimpers and shakes his head causing Derek to shake his head wickedly. "You initiate a snowball fight, you loser." And with that Derek spins around throwing a snowball at Peter's head.

"WHEN DID YOU EVEN MAKE THAT?" The older Hale yells whilst everyone scrambled to create their own ammunition. Stiles, Kira and I have the minds to move Liam and Isaac away from the middle to the war zone and place them in the side lines where they are less likely to be pelted in the face by a snowball.

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