35. || part 4

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I'm sat in my favourite place in the world, the tree that me and my mom used to sit in and talk. The tree that when I was younger me, Derek, Laura and Cora would hide up here from Peter and Talia. The tree where Stiles, Scott and I sat in to talk about our problems, supernatural or not. It's the one place that always calms me down, that I can rely on to relax me.

It's quite high up here but once you climb up it's worth it. The view is gorgeous you can see the lake perfectly and if anyone walks by you can always see them coming. This is the one place that panic attacks don't happen, I'm safe here.

I lost track of time thinking about all my happy memories that I've had here the only reason I am brought out of my thoughts and peaceful mind set is because of the sound of a twig snapping. I look up to see the pack coming or more so running towards me, my pups, my gorgeous pups.

I climb down the tree just as Scott jumps on me for the second time today, the rest of the pack soon following in pursuit. Jumping on top of me, holding me close there are a few whimpers and tears but my hold seems to comfort them.

"Scotty, where's your alpha?" I ask as Scott rubs his head into the crease of my neck trying to scent me as much as possible.

"Derek's at home but we're staying here for now because none of us know how he will react when we get back so if he loses his cool, he won't let any of us near you until his wolf is satisfied" Scott says nuzzling into me, I roll my eyes as the other pups nod in agreement.

"What's in your bag, mom" Stiles asks pointing over to my handbag which I had forgotten about it's up against the tree.

"Just a file all about witches that Argent wants Derek to see" I say causing Stiles to hum in acknowledgment.

"We missed you" Allison says from her position on my side being crushed slightly by the wolves and other pups surrounding me.

"I missed you too, all of you" I say again instead of talking there are just hums of agreement.

"You're not leaving again, are you?" Kira asks in a small voice as if she is afraid of the answer.

"As I said to the to the other pups before, no, I can't leave you. Not again" I explain, Jackson growls softly snuggling closer. "Alright Jax" he just hums too caught up in the scent that he has been deprived of for way to long.

"My nightmare came back mom and you weren't there to help and Derek was a mess so he couldn't help me either. I was alone" Isaac whimpers, I kiss his forehead wiping away his tears.

"I'm here now and that's all that matters" I say as Isaac runs his hand down my neck making his scent even more prominent. "You know you guys are going to have to take me to Derek soon, right."

"Do you have any weapons" Scott blurts out and almost regrets asking.

"Why?" I ask slightly concerned, worried that they think I'm going to hurt them. I could never hurt them.

"Because Derek will freak out, he's been freaking out since you left and having a weapon on you might send him over the edge" Erica says carefully not liking that she has to speak about her alpha in such a disappointing way.

"No, even if I did you pups should be able to smell them. You need to learn to use your sense especially when it comes to sniffing out weapons" I say looking pointedly at all of them. "Come on, all of you. I need to see Derek." I go to stand up but Liam clings on whimpering. "Come on, pup we gotta go."

"No, I don't want you to leave" Liam whimpers tears streaming down his face, he clings on tighter using his werewolf strength to keep me in place.

"I'm not going anywhere I am merely going to see your alpha and help him get his act together" I say, Liam just whimpers still refusing to let go.

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