Dear Google...

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**Caitlyn’s Pov**


I am woken up by my annoying alarm. I open my eyes to see my dark room. Yay, it’s 5:30 in the morning, and I have to go to school. Ugh. I feel like someone shot me! I get up and turn on my radio. It takes a while to start up but it does as I'm walking into the bathroom, and I hear Little Things by One Direction. I scream and turn it up. I dance and sing around my room as I get ready. I'm surprised no one has called the cops on me by how loud I  am. I love One Direction. They are my absolute favorite band ever. Not only are they good singers, they’re cute and British! I love guys with British accents. It makes them 10 times more attractive.

I walk downstairs around 6:15 to put on my shoes. I wear my Converse, of course. They’re my babies. My mom and sister are in the living room running around, late as usual.

“Caitlyn, did you eat anything?” my mom asks. Is she joking? When was the last time I ate breakfast? I haven’t been eating breakfast since he-who-shall-not-be-named broke my heart and almost caused me to kill myself. No, I’m not anorexic. I just don’t eat a lot.

“No, I’ll be fine.” I say as I walk out to Haleigh’s mom’s car. They drive me to school because my mom is supposed to be at work by now. I get in the silent car. None of us talk in the morning. We just sit here. I put in my ear buds and zone out. All of a sudden, we are at school. Well, that was fast.

When we get out of the car, I help Haleigh from dropping her stuff like everyday. I’m like her slave. Nah, not really. We're like sisters. We both do a lot of stuff for each other, so it evens out. We walk inside the school and stand beside the gym doors while waiting for the bell to ring. I stand there listening to One Direction while Haleigh and her friend, Alex, talk. I look around at all the different cliques. I don’t know, it just amuses me at all the different cliques in High School. There’s not that many, but still. You got your Emos/Goths, and your jocks, the theatre nerds, and you also still got those mean girls from Middle School. The bell rings, and we walk to class. Here goes another seven hours of boredom.

When I get home, there is a note on the kitchen table. I open it and two pieces of paper fall on the floor. I read the note as I pick them up.

Caitlyn, I know I haven’t always been there for you but these are tickets for you and Haleigh. Enjoy!


I look down at the tickets. They are One Direction tickets and backstage passes! I sit there in shock. I call Haleigh. She picks up after the first ring.


“HALEIGH! MY MOM BOUGHT US ONE DIRECTION TICKETS AND BACK STAGE PASSES!” I scream into the phone. It felt good to let that out.

“Are you serious?”


“Oh wow. That’s awesome.”

“I know!”

“Well I gotta go. Bye, Caitlyn.”

“Bye!” I say as she hangs up the phone. OMG! This is going to be amazing! I squeal as I fall back onto the couch.

**Haleigh’s Pov**

I am sitting in my room after Caitlyn called thinking about it. One Direction concert? Huh? Who’s One Direction? Dear Google...

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