I Could Get Used To This

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**Niall's POV**

"Hey guys! I'm back with the food! Well, most of it." No one responds. "Come on. I go out and get groceries for us, and the lads just have to go out and do something without me," I say to myself. I walk in the living room and they are all sitting there. Louis looks up and sees me struggling. He quickly grabs some of the bags from my hands, and we take them to the kitchen. When I get back to the living room, Zayn and Harry are watching TV, and Liam has his head in his hands. Where are Caitlyn and Haleigh? I look at Louis, and he sighs. He brings me to the room we are sharing and sits me on the bed. He just stares at me. "Well? Where's Caitlyn?"

"Liam took her to dinner, as you already know. They came back earlier than they said they would and Caitlyn ran to her room crying. When Liam came in, Haleigh yelled at him. She said something about telling him not to do it. Then she went to calm Caitlyn down."

"You don't think..."

"I don't know. He's your best friend. He wouldn't try to steal your girlfriend."

"HE'S TRYING TO STEAL CAITLYN AWAY!" I stand up and start pushing my sleeves back. Louis holds me back. "I need to punch some sense into him!"

"No! Wait! Let's get the whole story. We'll go talk to the girls and if he did something, then it's up to you what you do to him. I won't hold you back."

I nod, and we head into the girls' room. Caitlyn is in Haleigh's arms, crying. Haleigh is stroking her hair and soothing her, saying stuff like "It's alright," "he won't do it again," "just forget about it," and "everything's gonna be fine." She's acting like her mother. I'm glad she will always be there to take care of Caitlyn when I can't. I want to hold her in my arms, but I don't want to take her away from Haleigh. She's doing a good job of keeping her calm. I gently close the door, and the girls look up. Caitlyn quickly hides her face in Haleigh's shoulder. I guess I should speak first.

"Caitlyn, what did he do?"

"H-he he h-h-he." She tries to talk, but isn't able to because of the tears building up. She burries her head in Haleigh's shoulder again.

Haleigh speaks for her. "Liam took Caitlyn out to dinner. It was a friendly dinner. He ended up taking her to the London Eye. He set up a candle lit dinner for her. Once they were done eating, they got up and looked at the view. Niall, you gotta promise you won't get mad."

"I promise," I say quickly, hoping for an answer.

"Don't do anything to Liam."

"I won't."

"I told him not to do it..."

"Haleigh, what did he do?"

"He told her he loves her... And..."

"What?! What else did he do?!"

"He kissed her..."

That's it. I push back Louis and go to open the door. Ugh. Why did I lock it? I get it unlocked, and I open the door quickly. I start heading into the hall when I hear Caitlyn yell, "Wait!"

I walk back into the room and Caitlyn is still in Haleigh's arms but she's looking at me. "What?"

"Please don't do anything to Liam. I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me."

"It's not because of you! It's because of what he did!"

"I still don't want anyone getting hurt."

"Fine," I sigh. "If it's what you want." She nods and walks over and hugs me.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you."

Change My MindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora