He Isn't Telling Me Something

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**Haleigh's POV**


He just thinks he can run off like that?! I look to Zayn and he looks just as confused as me. "Let's find the others," he says getting up. He reaches out his hand and helps me up, but doesn't let go. We spot Harry and Liam sitting on a bench a little farther down and we walk over to them hand in hand. They aren't saying anything or even looking at each other. Liam looks depressed and Harry just looks confused. I think something's wrong.

We walk up to them and Liam looks up at us. "Well isn't this great? Looks like we have ANOTHER lovely couple!" Harry punches Liam's arm. Well now I know something is definately wrong.

"Who's the other couple?" I ask.

"Oh, you didn't know? I mean, she is your best friend and all," Liam says. Okay, his attitude is getting a bit annoying.

"Liam, what are you talking about?"

"I'm surprised she hasn't told you all about her little relationship with Niall! I mean, she ditched me to go have a little smooch fest with him." 

I can't even say anything. As if reading my mind, Zayn speaks. "You really shouldn't be talking about her like that! She's just hanging out with the guy she likes! There's nothing wrong with that!"

"Well this night has officially been ruined," I say.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm just really pissed off. I hate that she told me she would hang out with me then she went and ditched me for him," Liam says, looking straight into my eyes. I can see how sorry he truly is.

"It's fine," I say.

"Wait, Haleigh. Why did you say tonight's been ruined?" Harry asks.

"Well, Louis decided to be an jerk and hide in the bushes behind us when Zayn was asking me out, and when he tried to kiss me, Louis decided to ruin the moment and fall out of the bushes. For some reason he was crying, but I don't care. He ran away and we don't know where he is."

"Well, we gotta find him!"

"He ran towards the parking lot. He's probably waiting in the car," Zayn says.

We go find Caitlyn and Niall eating at some food stall and tell them we need to leave. We get to the car and Louis isn't there. Harry tries to call him, but he doesn't answer. Everyone texts him, but he doesn't reply. We start to drive toward the flat. He'll turn up sometime. I explain the whole thing to Caitlyn and Niall, since they missed it. Suddenly, Harry gets a text. "IT'S FROM LOUIS!" He pauses to read it. "He's just at home. He took a taxi." That little brat. Worrying us like that and then just end up being at home?

The rest of the car ride is silent. As soon as we get there, I storm inside with Zayn holding my hand, and everyone on our heels. Zayn unlocks the door, and as soon as he does, he slams it open. I walk in. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yell, but I don't see Louis anywhere. In fact, it looks like this place hasn't been touched. "WHERE. ARE. YOU?!" I yell, but there is no answer.

"Split up," Zayn says. We all go in different directions. Zayn and I walk down the hallway. "He better hope I don't find him first." Aww. Zayn is getting all defensive over me. Wait, focus on the situation at hand: finding Louis.

I stop by his door and hear something move. He's in here. I open the door. It's not even locked. I guess he isn't worried about his own safety. "LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!" He looks up quickly, tears soaking his face.

**Caitlyn's POV**


I can't believe what Louis did to Haleigh! He knew she liked Zayn! He knew Zayn liked her! Practically everyone who knew both of them knew! Why would he go and ruin their night and then dissappear? Haleigh is pissed. I've never seen her this mad! Well, at least her and Zayn finally got together! And Niall and I... Well, I don't know about that yet, but still, it was a great night until Louis had to go and ruin it! As soon as we get back to the flat, Haleigh and Zayn jump out, and we follow close behind them. Even when they are storming away, they are holding hands! Aww! That's so cute! Wait, Caitlyn. Focus. We are mad right now. Zayn slams open the door and Haleigh starts yelling. Louis isn't anywhere. "Split up," Zayn says.

We all head to different rooms. Niall and I check the kitchen, while Harry checks the dining room and Liam checks the living room. "LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!" I hear Haleigh yell, then I hear a door slam. I guess she found him.

Niall smiles at me and starts looking for some food. Harry and Liam join him. I go sit on the couch and Zayn walks in. "He was in his room. Haleigh found him, but locked the door." He slumps down on the couch and runs a hand through his hair.

"Zayn?" I ask.


"Please, don't hurt her. You can see how emotional she gets and how easily she gets hurt."

"Don't worry. I won't. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did."

"Thank you." I hear some muffled yelling. "I've never seen her this mad before."

"Well, Louis deserves it. He's lucky I'm not in there. I would beat the crap out of him."

I laugh and Niall walks in with his arms full of food. Liam and Harry walk in behind him with some more and they spread it out on the coffee table and pop in a DVD. I can't even focus on the movie. I'm too worried about Haleigh. I wish I could go check on her, but I don't want to get yelled at.

**Haleigh's POV**


I walk in and slam his door shut and lock it. I just stare at him. I don't even know what to say to him. I hear someone try to open the door. "Babe?" I hear Zayn say.

"I'll be out in a minute," I say to him. There is silence, then I hear his footsteps walking away. I look back over to Louis. He still hasn't moved, and is still staring at me. I guess I'll just get this over with. "What the heck is wrong with you?!"  I yell. He doesn't speak. "Why did you do that to me? I know you hate me, but you shouldn't have ruined that moment between Zayn and me!"

"I didn't try to ruin it."

"Then what, Louis?"

**Louis's POV**

"Then what, Louis?" she asks me. Should I tell her the truth? Should I tell her that I am secretly in love with her and can't stand seeing her with Zayn? No. I can't tell her. She hates me. There isn't any point in telling her. She won't feel the same. But what do I say? "Well?" Oh, yeah. She's still waiting.

"Look, I was going to sneak up behind you and scare you, but I saw you were having a special moment with Zayn. I tried to get away so I wouldn't ruin it, but I ended up tripping and twisting my ankle in the process. That's the reason I was crying. And I ran away because I was embarassed." That wasn't too bad. Plus, I didn't lie about the ankle. That really did happen, but it's not why I was crying. She doesn't say anything. "I'm sorry," I add on.

She just gets up and walks to the door, but stops in the doorway. "I'll tell nurse Harry to come help you with your ankle." I smile and she walks out. I guess she believed it. That's good.

**Haleigh's POV**


He isn't telling me something. I walk into the living room and everybody just stares at me. I guess I better explain. Zayn pats the spot in between him and Caitlyn and I sit. I explain the whole thing and they don't say a word. "Oh, and nurse Harry, you are needed to help mend his injury." He nods and heads to his room. Zayn puts his arm around me and I zone out into the world of the movie.

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