No Way!

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**Caitlyn's POV**

*Flashback, 3 years ago*

I'm on a cruise with my family. I'm bored out of my mind on the ship. I know there's all these things to do on a cruise, but nothing seemed fun to me. I'm laying back by the pool in my black bikini tanning when someone stands in front of me. I take my sunglasses off to see who it is. It's some guy. Wow. He's really cute well from the back. I can't see his face. 

"Hey, you're blocking the sun." He turns around. Dang. I was right. He is cute. He smiles at me.

"Sorry, my bad." He says with a British accent. I about died. Okay. Now, he's hot. He starts to move away.

"You don't have to leave." He smiles at me and sits in the seat beside me. We talk for about 2 hours before my mom ruins it. Of course. She isn't worried when her daughter is alone, but when she's talking to a boy, she flips out.

"Caitlyn, there you are! Come on. We're going to eat," she says, mostly looking at the guy. Wait. I haven't got his name. I stand up and so does he. 

"Okay, mom."  I say. She gets the tone in my voice and walks away. "Bye, ummm..."

"Liam," he says, shaking my hand.

"Caitlyn. Bye, Liam."

"Bye, Caitlyn." We stand there shaking hands and just staring at each other for a little while. He smiles and hugs me goodbye. I leave and go to dinner. I see him the next day waiting in the same seat he sat in yesterday. We spent every minute we could together. One day, he was in my cabin. We were hanging out and I turned on the radio. We started singing off key to I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. After we laugh our heads off, he starts to sing to it. This time it's not off key. He can sing really good. I smile at him.


"You should try out on X Factor or something."


"Because you're a really good singer." He just laughs and hugs me.

I really like him, but I know it won't work. Besides, I'm not looking for a relationship at the time. It's the last day of the cruise. We're hanging out on the deck as night falls. He has his arm around my waist, and my head is laying on his shoulder. It's perfect.



"I'm gonna miss you." I look up at him and give him a sad smile.

"I'm gonna miss you, too, Liam." He smiles down at me. I'm staring deep into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He leans down and lightly presses his lips against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck while he wraps his around my waist pulling me close to him. We pull apart after a minute and smile at each other. We exchanged numbers right before we left. We lost contact somehow, and I haven't talked to him since.


"No way!" I say making Liam smile. 

"You remember?"

"Yes!" He laughs and hugs me. It feels nice to be in his arms again. "Wait, so am I the reason you tried out for X Factor?" He blushes and nods his head. "See!! I told you you could sing!" He starts laughing. 

"Yeah, you told me." He says.

"No wonder you looked so familiar when I watched X Factor." He smiles again. "But you look different."


"Your hair. You've changed it how many times since then?" He blushes.

"You've changed your hair, too. You have red in it now."

"You look way older, too. When I met you, you looked like a boy. Now you look like a..."

"Man?" Louis suggests. I blush and nod my head.

"What about you?" Liam asks.

"What about me?" I question.

"You wear dresses now."

"Whoa! Whoa! I only wear dresses when I have to. I usually wear jeans or shorts."

"How short of shorts?" Harry asks like a perv. Liam glares at him.

"Okay, well you wear makeup." Liam says ignoring Harry's comment.

"Sometimes," I say


"Because it makes me look better."

"You don't need it. You're beautiful without it." Wow. That shocked me. I didn't expect that. I mean I know Liam kissed me, but that was 3 years ago. He's probably over me. 


"Boys, you need to have those girls leave," someone calls from the hall. The boys look at Haleigh and me. They look sad. Awww. I'm gonna miss them. We hug each other. Louis and Haleigh don't even look at each other. 

"Caitlyn," Liam says as I'm about to close the door.


"Don't lose it," he says, handing me a piece of paper. I laugh, and we leave. 

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