I Miss You

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**Caitlyn's Pov**

It's about one in the morning when I get home. Oh well. I'll call Liam tomorrow. I put my purse on my desk, change into my pjs, then crawl in bed. The last thing I picture in my mind is Liam and I fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up and automatically start thinking about last night. I should probably call Liam now. I go over to my desk and find that the paper is missing. Where is it?! Great. Now I've lost my chance to keep in touch with him. AGAIN!

**Liam's Pov**

I waited and waited and waited for a call or even a text from Caitlyn. It never came. I should have gotten her number. Good job, Liam. You messed up, AGAIN!

**Caitlyn's Pov**

It's been about a month since the One Direction concert. I'm sitting in my room. One Direction's She's Not Afraid just came on, and of course I turned it up as loud as possible. When it ends, I hear Louis' voice on the radio. 

"Hello everyone!" Yes! An interview. I love their interviews. They never take anything seriously, so their interviews are so funny. 

"We're One Direction," Harry says.

"So, guys, do any of you have any special girls in your life?" Thanks lady. Crush my spirits by asking them about girls. Liam was first to speak.

"Umm..yeah, actually."

"Oh, Liam, who is she?"

"I'm just gonna say that she's a really good friend, but we lost contact for the second time." WAIT! Liam is talking about me!  "Also, love, if you're listening to this, can you please call me?" Of course, I'll call you. When they ask you about a special girl, you bring me up! I gotta find this paper! Where is it?! I move every single thing on my desk, but it is no where to be found! The last thing I touch is my purse. Wait....

I slowly go over to my purse and open it. I pull out every thing and place it beside me. Right at the bottom of my purse is a piece of paper. Could it be? I open it slowly, my heart racing. This is it! I dial the number right away. I hear Liam's phone going off on the radio. I picture him smiling as he looks at his phone.

"Excuse me," he says. "It's her," he whispers, but it is still heard on the radio. He's probably walking out of the room. It's about to go to voicemail when Liam finally picks up. 


"Hey, Liam! I'm sooooo sorry I haven't called you, yet." I turn the radio down, so I can focus on him.

"It's fine, love." I smile at the whole love thing.


"So, when do you think we can talk again? You know in person." 

"Ummm...Liam, we live in different countries." 

"Oh, right." We sit there in silence thinking. "What about if you come to London?"


"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. You guys will be busy, and I'm sure you don't worry about me."

"Caitlyn, will you please come to London? For me? I miss you." That last part sealed the deal. Liam Payne missed me? Yeah, I'll go to London!

"You still talking to her?" I hear Niall in the background. 

"Yeah, I'm asking if she'll come to London to visit us."

"Oh! And Haleigh!" Zayn yells, making me laugh.

"Okay, we'll come," I say. My heart is about to bust out of my chest.

"Yes. I can't wait! We'll pay for the plane tickets. First flight tomorrow," Liam says.

"Wait, did she hear me?" Zayn asks.

"Yes. Now hush up." He turns his attention back to me. "Well, gotta go. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Liam." 

"Text me," he says, hanging up the phone. First flight tomorrow! I pack my bags then run over to Haleigh's house. I knock on the door and of course she takes forever to answer it. As soon as she opens it, I run past her to her room and start packing her bags.

"Ummm....Caitlyn?" Haleigh asks, walking in her room.


"Just wondering, what are you doing?"

"Packing your bags."

"Why?" I turn around and look at her.

"Oh, yeah. I haven't told you."

"Haven't told me what?" She's so confused that it's funny.

"Well I called Liam today, and the boys want us to go to London to visit them."

"You mean Liam wants you to go to London to see him, and you're dragging me along."

"No. Zayn wants you to come." She kinda blushes a little.

"Wait, but that means I have to see Louis, again."


She pauses. "No." Alright. Mission get Haleigh to London is in action. Go!






"NO! I don't wanna go to London! I could barely stand an hour with the boy!"

"PPPPLLLLLEEEEEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEEEE!" I say this until I run out of breath.

She groans. "Fine. Fine. I'll go."

"Yay!" I jump up and hug her, still gasping for my breath.  "First flight tomorrow," I say, leaving her room. I walk home and make sure everything is in my suitcase. I can't sleep at all. I'm too excited to see the boys, and I just keep thinking about what Liam said: I miss you.

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