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**Louis's Pov**


I was up all night trying to think of a way for Haleigh to forgive me. Then, it hits me. I run into the living room where everyone is to tell them.

"Alright, everyone, we are going to the fair!" I say, walking into the living room. 

"Really?" Well at least Caitlyn seems excited which made Niall and Liam exicted. 

"I'm not going," Haleigh says, crossing her arms. No! She's the only one I actually want going.

"I'm not going either," Zayn says. I look at Harry. He just shakes his head.

"PLEASE!" Caitlyn and I both beg at the same time. We look at each other and I smile. She just gives me a blank stare.

"PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!" she says jumping up and down.

"No, Caitlyn!" Dang, Haleigh's in a really bad mood. Caitlyn and I look at each other and she nods. I pick up on what she's thinking. 

"Three," she says, walking closer to them.

"Two,"  I say.

"What the heck are you two gonna do?" Harry asks.

"One!" we say at the same time. We jump on the couch.

"PPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSEEEEE!!!!" we yell until we run out of breath, which will be a long time for me because I've got singer's lungs for all those long notes.

"Fine! Fine! I'll go!" Haleigh yells, covering Caitlyn's mouth. 

"Yay!" she says, hugging Haleigh.

"Fine." Zayn says, looking away from me.

"Harry?" Caitlyn says, looking at him.

"Fine," he says after a few moments of Caitlyn staring at him and giving him what she probably thinks are puppy dog eyes.

"Yay!" she says, jumping up and down hugging him. 



We arrive at the fair and everyone jumps out. Before I could even speak a word, Haleigh and Zayn walk off.

"Bye Haleigh!" Caitlyn yells. All Haleigh does is throw up the peace sign. Thanks for waiting for us.

I pull Harry over to the side. "Come with me. We need to keep a close eye on them."

"What? No!"

"Please, Harry."

"No, Louis."

"Look, I know I messed with her emotions, but I can't stand seeing her with Zayn. Can you please help me spy on them?"

"No, Louis."

"Some best friend you are," I say, walking away. I mean come on! I know what I did was wrong, but I know now that I have feelings for Haleigh. Now, where did they go? I look around for a couple seconds then spot them. Gotcha.

**Liam's Pov**


"What was that all about?" I ask Harry as I see Louis walking away from him.

"He wants me to spy on Zayn and Haleigh with him."

"Oh. Come on. You can come with me." I pat his back and we start walking around. What he doesn't know is, we're actually trying to find Caitlyn. Well, at least I am. I thought I was going to hang out with her, but she left before I could ask. I see her with Niall at some game. He just won her some kind of bear, and she hugs him and kisses his cheek.

"Hey, look there's Niall and Caitlyn," Harry says just now noticing them. I just stare. "Oh, Liam, you like her don't you?" I don't say anything. Am I being that obvious? I need to change the subject.

"Come on. Let's follow them." I don't want to admit it, but I do like her. I keep fighting it on the inside, telling myself that we are just friends and I can't ruin our friendship, but I can't help it. There's just something about her that I'm falling for. We follow them to the Ferris wheel, and get in the cart behind them. They start giggling and smiling at each other. They take a couple of pictures and they flirt a lot. We go around in circles a couple of times and when we get close to the top, it stops. They're at the top, and her head is on his shoulder. They look at each other and smile. Then, he leans in and....


I swear I just heard my heart crack in half. 

"Liam, look away." Harry says. I can't. My eyes are glued to them. This is the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.

**Caitlyn's POV**


We have been playing games all afternoon. Niall even won me a teddy bear! After playing games for an hour we decide to go on the Ferris wheel. There isn't even a line for it. We get on and the whole time, we are talking and laughing at each other. I can't believe I'm actually becoming great friends with Niall Horan! THE Niall Horan! I just wish it were more. We get to the top and it stops. I look over at Niall and smile. He smiles too and does the unthinkable. He starts to lean in. What do I do? Do I lean in, or just stay here? My body doesn't care, it leans in too. I close my eyes and feel our lips touch. It's so weird kissing him. He's so gentle and loving. I like it. I put my arms around his neck and I play with his hair and he slides his arms around my waist. The cart moves and we break apart. He puts his forehead on mine and smiles. This was the best kiss of my life.

**Louis's Pov**


I follow Zayn and Haleigh to a bunch of games. He wins her a few prizes, and she hugs him when he does. My heart is aching, but I have to keep following them. Haleigh goes to sit on a bench while Zayn gets something to drink. I go sit in a bush right behind them. I see Zayn coming back.

"Haleigh, I need to ask you something." 

"Sure, Zayn. What is it?" Don't you dare Zayn.

"Well I know we haven't known each other that long, but I really like you. I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. I've liked you since I first layed my eyes on you. And I was wondering if you'll be my girlfriend?"



"Then, of course." She hugs him. When they pull away, they look at each other and start leaning in. I can't stand to see this. I fall onto the ground while trying to get away.

"Lou?" Zayn says clearly confused. I turn around. Haleigh is shooting daggers at me. I have a feeling this isn't over. I can feel tears running down my face, so I start running as fast as I can. I hate my life! I hate love! I hate everything! This is the worst pain I have ever felt.

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