Just A Little Disagreement

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**Niall's Pov**

Harry, Zayn, and I are just sitting in the living room waiting for the girls, Louis, and Liam. We hear a car door shut and stand up. Louis walks in first and sits on the couch. He seems pissed. Haleigh walks in and does the same but on the other side of the couch. Alright? Caitlyn walks in with Liam right behind her. She's so beautiful. 

"Harry, can you help me with the bags?" Liam asks. Harry nods and walks outside bumping into the wall because he's staring at Caitlyn's butt the whole time. Ugh. He's such a perv. Louis gets up and grabs my arm. He pulls me into the kitchen so we are out of earshot of everybody.

"Alright, what happened?" he asks me.

"What do you mean?"

"Why didn't Liam want you to come with him to the airport?"

**The night before**

"Liam, can I talk to you?" I ask knocking on Liam's door then walking in.

"Sure, Niall. What's up?"

"Arlight, so you know those girls?"

"Which girls? There are billions of girls in the world, Niall."

"Caitlyn and Haleigh."


"Would it be bad if I liked one of them?"



"Which one?"

"Caitlyn." He just stares at me. "Liam?" No answer. "LIAM!"


"Would it be bad if I liked Caitlyn?"



"Because...you just can't!"

"Why not?"

"Because you'll hurt her!"

"No, I won't!"

"Yes, you will!"

"What the crap, Liam? No I won't!" 

"Yes, you will! I can't have any other guys hurting her. She's told me about all her exes. It was not pretty. She needs someone who will treat her right.

"Whatever," I say, leaving the room. Why does he think I'll hurt her? I won't. Why would I hurt a beautiful girl like her?

"Niall?" Louis says waving his hand in front of my face.


"Why didn't Liam want you to come with him to the airport?"

I pause. "We just got into a little disagreement." He starts to walk off, but I stop him. "What's up with you and Haleigh?"

"We just got into a little disagreement." He smirks at me then walks to the door of the kitchen. As he opens it, he stops in the doorway. I push him through.

**Louis's Pov**

"We just got into a little disagreement." I smirk at Niall. That'll show him. He could've told me, but I guess not. I open the door and see that Zayn has his arm around Haleigh. I don't know why, but I feel jealous. I want her away from him NOW. I've got an idea. I feel someone push me, and turn around to see Niall. I mutter an apology, then move on to my plan.

I walk over to them. "Haleigh."

"What?" she says coldly. It's kinda cute how pissed she gets when I talk to her.

"I heard you play Just Dance." She just stares at me, her eyes piercing into mine. "Well, I challenge you to a dance off."

 Zayn laughs. "Nobody can beat Louis at Just Dance!" Shut up, Zayn. I'm mad at you right now. I just keep my eyes on Haleigh. She still doesn't move.

"Come on. Let's see how good you really are," I smirk.

She sighs. "Alright, but don't cry when you lose," she says getting up. Yes! Mission complete.

**Caitlyn's Pov**

I sit on the couch. Niall sits by me while Louis and Haleigh are dancing. He puts his arm around me, and I feel butterflies in my stomach. Maybe it's just because he's always been my favorite. Liam and Harry walk in with the last of the luggage. 

"Thanks, guys." I say standing up and walking over to them.

"No prob," Liam says, blushing. Why does he always blush around me? We're just friends.

"What are they doing?" Harry asks, pointing to Haleigh and Louis.

"Dance off," I say.

"This will take forever. Louis does not give up on a dance battle, even if the person is out of breath and collapsed on the floor. He will keep going," Harry says, sitting down.

"Haleigh does the same thing," I say.

"We should go get something to eat." Liam says.

"Yes!" Niall says standing up. 

"Sure." Harry says walking over to us. Zayn looks over to Haleigh, but eventually nods and joins us.

"Haleigh? Louis? We're going to get something to eat!" I say. They keep dancing. "Haleigh!" No answer. Her eyes are glued to the screen. "HALEIGH!" Whatever. She is too in the zone to pay attention. I better not bother her and mess her up or she will be pissed. "Let's go," I say as the boys follow me outside.

**Haleigh's Pov**

The dance ends and Louis wins. He does a little victory dance and we hear the door slam. We look at each other then race to the window.

 Louis gets to the window first. "I win."

I roll my eyes. "They're leaving," I say, looking out the window. 

 "Where are they going?"

"Yeah, cause I would know."

"They are probably going to get dinner."

"But I need food too!"

"Well, I guess we have to get our own dinner." He heads toward the door, but pauses and looks at the TV. "One more round?" I nod and snatch my remote from the table. We end up dancing three more dances, then my stomach starts growling loudly. "Come on. Let's go get some food." He grabs his keys and walks to the door.

A/N from Haleigh! Pic on side of Liam and Harry carrying luggage (ignore Zayn in the pic) and a video of Louis doing a victory dance after winning a game on Wii. Comment, Vote, Fan, and all that jazz!

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