Interview Jitters

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Caitlyn's POV

We have that interview on the Alan Carr show today. I begged the boys, asking if I could just skip this one. Of course, they said no. Haleigh and I are getting ready. We have to wear dresses, which I'm kinda excited about. We look really cute if I do say so myself. As soon as we are ready, we meet the boys in the living room. They all stare at us, and I blush. Haleigh on the other hand, flips her hair behind her shoulder and does a pose. "Take a picture. It'll last longer," she says. We all burst into laughter. Yep, she's the one for Louis.

We all head out the door and get in the van. Haleigh jumps in the passenger seat before any of us get in. "Get in the van. I have candy."

We all run to the van and get in. Niall looks around and gets a disappointed look on his face. "I thought you said there was candy," he says as he pouts. We all laugh and Louis starts the car. As we pull out, I hit the realization that I'm going to be on TV, and I will have to talk. My stomach starts to hurt and I double over. "Babe, you okay?" Niall asks.

Haleigh looks back. "You're nervous, aren't you?" I nod my head yes and continue to hold my stomach. "Don't be. There won't be that many people there."

"Yeah. It'll just be broadcasted to all of England!" Harry says.

We all look back at Harry. Haleigh glares at him. "Thanks Harry. That helps her so much," she says with her voice full of sarcasm. He looks down and pouts. She rolls her eyes and looks at me again. "Just pretend it's only us and Alan there, and the applause you hear is from one of those remotes that they have on iCarly. You should be fine."

"Thanks," I say.

We pull up to the studio and we all jump out. Niall holds my right hand and Haleigh holds my left hand. Louis is on the other side of Haleigh and we all four walk in holding hands. Her advice didn't really work. I'm still really nervous. We are told to go to makeup. Haleigh and I go in one room while the guys go to another. This lasts about twenty minutes. Some guy comes in our room and tells us to follow him. We meet up with the guys outside the room and walk down a really long hallway.

It feels like we've been walking for five hours, but in reality, we've only been walking for about twenty seconds. We go through a door and we are greeted by really bright lights and applause. We all sit down on two couches: Louis, Haleigh, me, and Niall on one, and Liam, Harry, and Zayn on the other. Alan sits in his own chair and automatically begins asking questions. He asks questions that are asked in pretty much every interview the boys go to. How's life? Are you enjoying your break from your tour? What's your favorite song from the album? When are you recording again? Those kinds of questions.

Then, he turns his attention to Haleigh and me. "So, these two gorgeous ladies are your girlfriends?" Niall and Louis both put arms around us and nod with huge smiles on their faces. They are just too cute. "Where are you girls from?"

"Tennessee. In America," Haleigh says.

"Did you two know each other before the One Direction lads came along?"

"Yes! We've been best friends for four years now! We are basically sisters!" she says with a small laugh.

He continues to ask questions and Haleigh answers all of them. Almost every response has them laughing. She's such a natural on camera. Maybe, I should just do what she's doing.

"Time for our usual dance off with the lads!" Alan says. We all stand up and move the couches back. Music starts and Louis goes first. He does his signature "stop the traffic, let 'em through" move. Alan does some dance that resembles the Macarena. Niall does one of his Irish dances and Alan tries to mock what he did. Zayn, Harry, and Liam all take their turns and Haleigh whispers in my ear, "Hey Ya!" She winks at me and I wink back. She pulls me out onto the floor and we do our favorite move from that song on Just Dance.

Alan loses the dance off and we move the couches back. Alan continues to ask questions. "So what do your parents think about you being in England?"

"It took a while to convince my parents, but they got over it and they are fine with it now," Haleigh says.

Alan looks at me. "My mom was okay with it from the start," I say with a smile on my face.

"What about your dad?" he asks.

My smile drops. Should I say it? I've only told the guys and Haleigh. I don't know if I want all of England knowing. I have to say something, though. He's waiting for an answer. "He died a while ago..."

He doesn't say anything for a moment. "Well I think it's time for commercial. When we get back, the boys will perform a song for us!" The red lights on the cameras turn off and Alan turns to me. "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine," I quickly say. Alan walks off and I look at Niall. "Well, I pretty much messed up your interview."

"No you didn't! It's not your fault he asked you that question!" I give him a small smile and he kisses me on the cheek. We make small talk until someone comes over and gives microphones to the guys. They get up and go to the performance area as Alan sits down. The cameras roll again, and the music starts. They sing Kiss You. As soon as the song ends, Louis and Niall run over to us and kiss us. Alan says his goodbyes and we are allowed to leave. Maybe that interview wasn't so bad after all!

Click external link for outfits. Picture of One Direction on the Alan Carr Show on the side. Video of Hey Ya! from Just Dance. 2:58 is the move we did.

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