I Have A Question

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**Haleigh's POV**

We jump out of the car and make our way towards the arena. There are already hundreds of girls here. Dang. All this commotion over five boys?


I slapped her arm. "Really?"

She just rolls her eyes and we make our way to the door. There are guards standing there. "HEY!" I quickly force my hand over her mouth.

"Be polite," I whisper to her. "Hi. We have VIP passes."

I show him the passes and he opens the door and practically pushes us in. I guess it's so no one else gets in. Someone comes up to us and leads us backstage. She leads us to a small room with a couple couches facing away from the door. It's empty other than that. She closes the door behind us. I flop down on the couch, but Caitlyn remains standing. I laugh. "What?"

"You must be really excited!"

"More than I have ever been! Aren't you?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. They just aren't my favorite band, so I'm not getting so worked up over it."

"Oh." She pulls out her phone, and I do the same. She is on Twitter while I'm on Instagram. I post a picture of myself. Wow. Caitlyn really did do a good job on my makeup. We've been waiting for a good ten minutes now. I decide I should entertain myself better. I pull a small pad of paper and a pencil out of my purse and start to sketch a flower.

**Caitlyn's POV**

Is she really drawing at a time like this? Why isn't she excited? I'm fiddling with my phone, but nothing can distract me from these butterflies in my stomach. What will I do when I see them? Faint? No. I can't. That would be embarassing. My thoughts are interrupted by a pair of hands covering my eyes. There is an awkward silence. Haleigh is the first to break it. "Whoever has their hands on me, better remove them in the next five seconds, or someone will get a slap across the face." Haleigh doesn't like people touching her unless it's a hug. The hands don't move. "Okay. You asked for it."

I feel her weight get off the couch and a thump. "OW!"

I grab the hands and remove them from my eyes. "Haleigh! What'd you do?!" Then I realize who is standing before me. One Direction. THE One Direction. I look and see that Niall had his hands over my eyes and see Louis rubbing the back of his head.

"Well you see, I was gonna slap the boy for touching me, but when I saw who it was, I decided not to mess up his pretty face and thump him in the back of the head instead."

"Well aren't you sassy?" Louis remarks.

"No, I'm Haleigh. And you are?"

"You don't know my name?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," she says sarcastically. "Let me think." She pauses for a few seconds.

"Wow. You must not be a fan."

"Not really. Wait. I got it! Lewis!" Everyone bursts into laughter except Louis. "What? Did I mix you up with someone?"

"No. It's pronounced Lewie."

"Whatever." She flops back on the couch and gets on Facebook. Louis burns holes into the back of her head. They are already off to a bad start.

The rest of the guys sit down with Louis far away from Haleigh. I start asking them questions.

"How do you guys like America?"

"It's amazing. It's different than the UK, but we still love it," Zayn says.

"What's your favorite song?" Louis raises his hand. "Yes?"

"Look After You by the Fray because it is very deep and emotional," Louis says. Haleigh chuckles. Louis shoots daggers at her.

"So how long have you been a fan?" Liam asks.

"Since you first formed on XFactor."

"I have a question!" Louis yells.

"Yes?" Liam asks.

"Why AREN'T you a fan?" I guess he's directing this at Haleigh.

She looks up from her phone. "Too mainstream."

Louis looks shocked, but the rest of the boys seem unfased. Zayn is staring her down. He can't keep his eyes off of her. She isn't paying any attention to him though. I look over at Niall and see his gorgeous eyes burning into mine. He blushes and looks down. I do the same. Wait! Did I just make Niall Horan blush? We continue to talk and ask questions for another hour, all the while Haleigh is playing on her phone. We are then asked to leave so the boys can prepare for the concert.

After getting me a tshirt, we sit down in our seats. FRONT ROW BABY! I look over to see Haleigh on her phone again. "What's up with you?"


"Why were you being rude back there?"

"That Lewis guy just rubbed me the wrong way."

I get distracted from my phone vibrating. I got a Twitter notification. It's a direct message from LIAM! I felt like I was going to faint.

I'm lucky I found you on here. You two need to come backstage again after the show. I need to talk to you about something. 

Oh. My. God. What could he want to talk to me about?

I could barely focus on the concert. Haleigh seemed to be getting into it. She kept trying to get me to dance, and I would for a little bit, but then I would zone out again. I notice that Liam keeps looking over in my direction, and Niall does the same. Louis and Zayn are both looking over at Haleigh constantly. Zayn even trips over his own feet at one point. Something's up with these boys. Harry seems to be the only normal one right now.

They finish their last song, and before they run off stage, Liam nods at me and I nod back. I grab Haleigh's hand and make my way back to the room we were in before the concert. I open the door and all the boys are there and they have already changed. Liam pats the spot beside him and I sit. The only available spot is next to Louis. Haleigh rolls her eyes and crosses her arms as she sits down.

"Caitlyn, do you recognize me?"

"Yeah, of course. You're Liam from One Direction."

"No. I mean, other than that."

What is he talking about? I look into his eyes, his chocolate brown eyes. They look kind of familiar. Wait a second. No way.

A/N From Haleigh! Ok so I just thought I should say that I love One Direction so much and feel absolutely no hate towards them. If I met them, I wouldn't be on my phone, I would probably be talking their heads off. Haha ok. So pic of my dress on the side. Comment, Vote, Fan, and All That Jazz. Kbye

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