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**Haleigh's Pov**

We are all sitting down watching some TV show when Liam gets a huge smile on his face.

"Li, what's up?" Niall asks.

"We should have a picnic," Liam says, smiling. I know what he's trying to do. He's trying to hang out with Caitlyn, again. I think it's really sweet how hard he's trying. 

"I wanna go!" Caitlyn says, smiling.

"Me too," Niall says after Caitlyn and smiles at her. Ugh! Their cuteness is killing me!

"I'll come," Harry says after a little bit.

"Yeah, me too," Zayn says which leaves me and Louis. Caitlyn's looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Sure," I sigh. Caitlyn starts squealing, making me laugh.

"I'll go," Louis says like he was waiting for me to go. Weird! He's starts smiling at me. Double weird! 

"Alright let's go," Liam says standing up.

"Wait! I have to change!" Caitlyn says, standing up and grabbing my hand.

"Why?" Harry asks Caitlyn.

"Because I look horrible." Caitlyn says in a 'duh' tone.

"I think you look beautiful." Everyone looks at Liam. Did he just say that? Wait, does Liam like Caitlyn?! That would be bad! I look over at Caitlyn, and she's blushing.

"Thanks, Liam," she says and kisses his cheek. "But I'm changing anyways." He blushes and nods his head.

**Caitlyn's Pov**

Haleigh and I finish applying make up then walk out to meet the boys. "What took you so long?" Harry complains. 

"Yeah, seriously Caitlyn I-" Liam stops talking and just stares at me. I could feel my cheeks turning red. It's weird how he could still do that to me after all these years.

"Liam?" Haleigh says, waving her hand in front of his face. He blinks and shakes his head.

"Sorry," he mumbles.

"It's cool. Let's go," I say as we head out. We drive to this meadow with a forest and mountians surrounding it. 

"Wow. It's beautiful!" Niall says as we step out. We nod our heads.

"How did you find this?" I say turning to look at Liam. 

"Luck," he says, shrugging and getting a few baskets and blankets out of the car. We lay down the blankets and sit down looking around.

"Hey, lads. Oh sorry, and beautiful girls." Haleigh rolls her eyes at this.

"What, Lou?" Harry asks.

"We should go hiking." We all agree and stand up. We start walking then Niall nudges me with his arm. I look up at him.

"Let's ditch them," he says, nodding to everyone a few feet in front of us. I blush and nod my head. We start walking the opposite way, laughing and flirting the whole time. We finally reach the top. I look over the edge. I think my stomach just dropped. We're so high up. I feel like I'm gunna throw up. Niall sits down near the edge. After a second of thinking, I decide to sit next to him. My heart is still racing. I don't know if it's from being so close to Niall or from the height we are at. Probably both. Niall looks at me after a minute.



"I...I really like you." OMG!! Did Niall Horan just say he likes me? God, Caitlyn, stop fangirling! "Caitlyn?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"It's cool." He looks away from me and stares at the mountian range.


"Yeah?" He says looking at me.

"I really like you, too."


"Yup." He smiles and leans in. Our lips move in perfect motion like they were made for each other. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he wraps his arm around my waist. Kissing Niall and having him touch me is the best thing in the world. After a while, we pull apart.

"So, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I would love that." He smiles and stands up. 

"Come on. I don't want them to worry." I nod, and we walk back down. "So, can I call you babe now?" As we reach the picnic.

"Sure." I say giggling. Harry, Zayn, and Liam are there, but not Louis or Haleigh.

"Do you know where Louis or Haleigh are?" Harry asks as we walk over to them.

"No. Why?"

"We can't find them. They dissapeared after you two did." Liam says clearly pissed. I wonder why. I start thinking and then a huge smile forms on my face.

"What Caitlyn?" Zayn asks.

"He's gunna do it." I say smiling. 

**Haleigh's Pov**

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" I yell at Louis.



"OH, YEAH, BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS MY FAULT!" I didn't realize it, but we are so close I can feel his breath.

"YEAH, PRETTY MUCH!" He doesn't yell back instead he cups my face and crashes his lips against mine. I don't mean to, but I start kissing him back. To my dismay, he pulls away.

"Haleigh, I'm sorry for whatever I did to you. I really really like you. I never felt this way about about a girl and if you just give me a chance-"



"Shut up and kiss me." He smiles at me and leans in. I smile as our lips meet. I didn't realize that I had feelings for Louis until know. I had always thought he was cute, but he seemed like a total jerk. Oh well. I like him. I know I do. The funny thing is, Caitlyn knew it before me. That's why she asked me yesterday if I liked him because she knew this was going to happen. I don't even care if everyone is going to be mad at us for getting lost. I'm happy we got lost. Being in Louis' embrace and kissing him is the best thing in the world. I'm glad I can now call him mine!

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