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**Caitlyn's POV**


I have been doing great! Niall keeps putting his arm around me and holding my hand and complimenting me. He hasn't kissed me again, and he hasn't asked me out, but he is constantly flirting with me. I really like him, and I hope he likes me too.

Haleigh on the other hand has been looking a bit down in the dumps the past few days. She looks a bit sad, but not as sad as Louis. Louis looks down right depressed. They have gone back to their arguing selves, and Zayn is even joining in on their arguments sometimes. He only takes Haleigh's side and even calls Louis a few names for being so stupid. Zayn is so protective over her. He's sort of clingy. He is always around her and never leaves her alone, and he can't quit touching her. He either has to have his arm around her, has to kiss her, or has to be holding her hand. It doesn't matter what he is doing, as long as he is making physical contact with her, he's fine. He also watches Louis like a hawk. He gets defensive every time Louis talks to her. He even reads her text messages over her shoulder! He is the overly attached boyfriend! I guess she hasn't noticed though because she is still happy around him, and they are still together. Gosh, she has been acting different since the night of the fair. Maybe all she needs is a girls day out.

I get up from my spot on the couch beside Niall and walk over to Haleigh. "We are going to the mall."

She smiles. "Well okay!"

Zayn instantly looks like a little kid that got separated from his mother. "Do you  need me to drive you?"

"No, we can take the bus," I say.

I grab Haleigh's hand, but before I pull her away, Zayn kisses her and says, "I'll miss you, babe!"

She flashes him a smile and we walk out the door. It only takes us about ten minutes to get to the mall. Once we get inside, we head to the first clothing store we see. We look through racks of clothes. Maybe this is the perfect time to bring it up. "Hey, I need to talk to you."


"Well, I don't know how to put this, so I'm just gonna say it. Zayn has been a bit clingy lately."

"What do you mean?"

"He is always touching you and won't let you out of his sight for long." Her phone vibrates. I look over her shoulder and see it's a text from Zayn. "See! He can't go ten minutes without you!"

"I never noticed this before."

"Maybe you should talk to him. You know, tell him to chill out."

"Yeah. Thanks." She pauses for a second. "Now that we are sharing thoughts, I would like to share one of mine."

"What would that be?"

"Well, you've been spending a lot of time with Niall... Has he asked you out?"


"Oh. Well, I just think you've been spending a lot of time with him and not the other guys. What was the reason we came on the trip?"

"To see the guys?"

"No. We came because Liam asked you to come see him. He invited you to London, and you haven't even hung out with him yet. He was kinda disappointed about it too."

"Really? Did he set you up to this?"

"Well, he just talked to me about how upset he was. Then, I started to realize it, too. I just think it would be best to spend a little time with him."


"So we both have some changes to make."

"Yep! Thanks."

"For what?"

"For being truthful with me. Usually people wouldn't have the guts to say the truth."

"No problem! That's what sisters are for right?"

"Of course!" We laugh and hug each other.

**Zayn's POV**


"How could she leave me to go hang out with her?" I ask Liam.

"Well, she is her best friend."

"But we are dating! She should wanna spend time with me!"

"Zayn! You are being way too possessive!"

"I'M being possessive?" How could he say that. "Whatever. I'm out of here."

I grab my keys and walk out the door. I get in my car and immediately drive away. I don't even know where I'm going. Before I know it, I'm parked at a small cafe. I guess I could use a coffee. I walk in and I'm greeted by the sweet aroma. I walk up to the counter and the worker greets me immediately. She is gorgeous. Wait, what are you saying? You have a girlfriend. She has long blonde locks of hair that go down right below her chest. It is slightly wavy. Her big blue eyes are piercing. She is beautiful. "Hi, I'm Sandy. What can I get for you?"

I tell her my order, and I stay in my place. She hands me the coffee, and I go sit down at a booth in the corner. I zone out and all of a sudden, someone is sitting across from me. It's Sandy. "Hi. You looked lonely, so I thought you could use some company."

"Yeah thanks." We talk for at least an hour. I look at my phone and realize it's almost dinner time. I get up and say bye to Sandy and leave. I just met a beautiful girl. There's no one else like her. Wait. I have a girlfriend.

**Haleigh's POV**


I walk in the flat and see Zayn sitting on the sofa. He immediately walks over and hugs me. I look over to Caitlyn, and she looks at me with sympathy and nods. This is so annoying. I know what I have to do. "Zayn can I talk to you in private?"

"Yeah. I actually need to tell you something too."

I walk him to his bedroom and we both sit down on the bed. Neither of us say anything, so I guess I should go first, but he ends up speaking the same time as me. "I think we need to break up," we both say at the same time.

"What?" he asks.

"Well, you've been really clingy lately, and I just don't know if I can take it anymore. I need space." I pause. "Why do you want to break up?"

"I've found someone else."

"Oh. Who?"

"This girl that works at the cafe around the corner, Sandy."

"Oh. So we're cool then?"



"Friends." We both smile and hug. I'm sad that this relationship went down the drain, but at least we are still friends and we can both be happy.

**Louis's POV**


I reach for my phone in my pocket, but it isn't there. I must have left it in my room. I walk back, but see that Zayn's door is open. I get closer. "I think we need to break up," I hear them both say. I don't know why, but this puts a smile on my face.

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