She's Killing Me

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**Louis's POV**

"God, Louis! You're so annoying!"

Here goes another routine fight between Haleigh and me. I guess this one is sort of my fault. I snuck into her room and stole one of her bras and wore it on my head. I hear a door slam. Caitlyn glares at me and the rest of the lads look at me with unreadable expressions. I can feel the tears building up and I grab my jacket and run outside.

I don't even know where to go. I just walk. I swear I hear footsteps behind me, but I don't even care. It's probably paparazzi. I put in my earbuds and select the song that describes my life perfectly right now. She's Killing Me by A Rocket to the Moon.

All my friends are coming over
And I hope nobody told her
She has a way of turning sunshine into rain
I got on that shirt she hates
I just know that face she'll make
Even though it hurts, she's my favorite pain

She never drives her car
She drives me crazy
She ran outta gas and somehow I'm to blame

I'll take her out and drop her off
On the outskirts of our town
I'd leave a trail of roses that lead back home
(So come back home)
She'll pick a fight for no good reason
She knows I'll never leave
I love her half to death but she's killing me

All my friends, they say they like her
But I know behind my back
They all think the same things that I do

She spends her daddy's credit card
And says that I'm the one who's lazy
She's like a dream and a nightmare coming true

I'll take her out and drop her off
On the outskirts of our town
I'd leave a trail of roses that lead back home
(So come back home)
She'll pick a fight for no good reason
She knows I'll never leave
I love her half to death but she's killing me

And I wouldn't have it any other way
She can change her clothes
She can change her hair
But she'll always be the same

So I went out and bought her roses
She complained about the thorns
I caught her smiling and that's what I do it for

I'll take her out and drop her off
On the outskirts of our town
I'd leave a trail of roses that lead back home
(So come back home)
She'll pick a fight for no good reason
She knows I'll never leave
I love her half to death, Oh yeah, I love her half to death

I'll take her out and drop her off
On the outskirts of our town
I'd leave a trail of roses that lead back home
(So come back home)
She'll pick a fight for no good reason
She knows I'll never leave
I love her half to death but she's killing me
She's killing me
oh ohhh

I finish singing and look at the pond in front of me, admiring the beauty. I look down at my reflection and beside my reflection, I see Caitlyn. I look up and see her standing beside me. She is looking at the pond. She suddenly speaks. "I bet I know who that's about."

"I bet you're right."

"So you do like her?"

"Yeah. Alot."

Her head shoots up. "I thought you hated her."

I go sit down on a bench and she follows. "I know we fight a lot, but it seems that no matter how hard I try, I can't get her out of my head. I haven't thought about another girl ever since I met her. When she first thumped me in the back of the head, I knew that there was something different about her. I just couldn't figure out what it was. I figured it out when we went to Nandos. I can actually have fun with her. If we get over our differences and put the past aside and stop constantly yelling at each other, we could be friends. Maybe even more. She is beautiful, funny, witty, and fun! I've never met a girl like her and I can't stop thinking about her." Caitlyn doesn't respond. She just keeps looking at me, so I continue. "Even if she doesn't feel the same, I think I might be in love with her." Her eyes get wider than I've ever seen them.

**Caitlyn's POV**

"I think I might be in love with her." What the heck did he just say? He hates her! I don't even know what to say. "What should I do?" he asks.

"Well, don't do anything yet. Let me see how she feels."

"You're the best!" He gives me a big hug and stands up and holds his hand out. I laugh and allow him to help me up.

We get back to the flat and I immediately go to mine and Haleigh's room. She has moved into Niall's room with me and Niall moved into Louis's. She is laying on the bed, doing something on her phone. She looks at me and sits up. I walk in and close the door behind me. I sit down and just get to the point. "Haleigh, what do you think about Louis?"

She looks surprised. "What do you mean?"

"Do you like him?"

"What?! NO!"

"Oh. Ok. Just wondering. You two seem to argue a lot, but I didn't know if it was playful arguing or hateful."

"I definitely do NOT like him. Never have, never will. Not in a million years."

"Oh ok. Well I'm gonna go watch TV with the guys. Wanna join?"

"Uh no. I think I'll stay in here for a little while."

"Ok. Suit yourself." I get up and head to the living room. All the other guys are in there, so I just text Louis.


Go for it

His phone vibrates and he doesn't even read the message. He just looks at me. I nod in the direction of his phone and he reads the message. His eyes get wide.


Really?! What did she say?!


She says she doesn't like you, but I know she does. She just doesn't realize it yet.


Are you sure?


Of course. She's my best friend. I know her.


How do I tell her?


We'll talk later.

Louis looks at me and nods. He can't quit smiling. Haleigh walks in and the only spot available is the one next to Louis. She rolls her eyes and sits down. Louis blushes, but tries to hide it. Haleigh leans back. She is sitting kind of close to him. There is room for her to scoot over, but she doesn't. She so likes him. I can tell. But how am I going to convince HER that she does?

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