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Ashlyn POV.

Two minutes. Two fucking minutes, that's all I have left to finish this coursework and send it off for final assessment. My mind was completely frazzled the last few hours, every image turned into another and every word jumbled into the next.

I love my job and I love taking pictures but goddamn do I hate the coursework. The past year and a half I've been working at Jewell's Photography gallery in Dallas, Texas. My life's changed considerably, after moving away from my home in England.

I've always dreamed of coming over to the USA and living out my passion. But I never thought I'd be sitting on the edge of my balcony, dressed in yesterday's clothes, crumbs littered on my jumper and coffee stains on my wooden floor, whilst finishing overdue assignments.

*buzz, buzz*

Internal fear takes over as I speedily turn over my phone screen, praying it's not my boss demanding my work.

I don't know wether to cry or cry when I see it's Felix, a preppy blonde haired boy who lives two blocks away from me.

"Felix, now is really not the time I'm sorry." I rush each word, trying to subtly give the hint I'm not interested.

"You promised?" Felix states. Promised? Promised what? I start to panic, thinking I've forgotten to do something important.


"Our date?" He hesitates.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I put two and two together and begin to remember the drunken promise I had made to this boy only a few nights ago. Felix has been pestering me for months now for a date and in a sudden decision, with an ungodly amount of alcohol in my system, I promised him a lunch date.

"Erm-" I start to stutter, how the fuck was I meant to get out of this.

"You forgot didn't you." He sounds sad.

"Felix no-" I try to persuade him, failing miserably. "Look Felix, I won't lie, I've been an absolute train wreck the past 48 hours. You see I had this assignment I completely forgot about, long story short, I forgot yes. I'm sorry."

Even though I didn't want to go on this date in the first place, I genuinely feel bad for him. My best friend Harper has always assumed he had a thing for me, given his reaction I can only imagine she's right.

"Oh- oh- er it's okay." His voice lowers. Then the line goes dead, shit I really did hurt him.

I make a mental note to message Felix later with some bullshit reply. Checking the time, I want to rip my eyes out as I notice a good minute has passed and I still have 4 slides to complete. Fuck.


"You've shown me a deep deep analysis of your work, with a specific attention to detail. You're images have come out technically accurate and honestly quite breathtaking!" My usually miserable boss begins to praise my work.

"Thank you Mrs Keaton, do you think there's any improvements to be made?" I'm eager to know more, I notice her face begin to turn serious.

"Mrs Thompson, I regret to inform you, there was an issue with your 41st slide." She stops herself, turning her screen towards the desktop in front of her.

I came face to face with the mistakes of this morning, where I see a manipulated image of a random citizen. Despite the blurry camera I could see the warped image clearly, it was a male with tousled brown hair, he had a growing stubble and a mischievous grin. The images would have been good if it wasn't for my accidental twirling edit that spiralled the image, ruining the mans face.

I groan and realise I must've accidentally leaned on my keyboard while on the phone to Felix and butchered this picture. Shit.

"Oh Mrs Keaton I'm so sorry about that, you see I ran into some issues with my timing and I must've accidentally-"

"Ashlyn." She cuts me off.

I stay silent, hoping that one tiny mistake wasn't the cost of my whole job. I know this woman is harsh but she can't fire me for one mistake right?

"Ashlyn, you're an incredible photographer and an even better writer, but there's one thing that stands out to me." She pauses.

"Yes." I nod, encouraging her to continue.

"Your organisation. From the very start you've never been one to balance organisation with work." She explains.

I knew she was right, I've never been good at getting my timings right. I mean this morning was a prime example, two things that could've easily been successful turned to shit.

"I know Mrs Keaton, I can only apologise!"

"I won't say it's okay because, quite frankly it's not. However I have a lot of faith in you and your work so I want to give you the chance to succeed and get better at organisation." She continues.


"That's why I'm excited to inform you, I would love for you to be my new vice manager of photography & historical arts." She almost squeals.

What. I can't of heard that right. Miserable Mrs Keaton wants me to be a vice manager in her company. My cheeks start to get flustered as I realise what an incredible offer this really is. Vice. Manager.

"Now Mrs Thompson, you have to realise there will be a great deal of work involved in this-"

"I'll do it. Yes, yes I'll do it!" I excitedly scream.


"SHE WHAT!" Harper squeals down the phone.

Not long after my meeting with Mrs Keaton I phoned up my best friend to tell her the exciting news, just as I had hoped she was thrilled to hear it.

"I can't believe it H, I've worked so hard for this and it's all starting to work out!" I gush, it really hasn't settle in that I'll be a Vice Manager at Jewell's Photography gallery.

"Well you know what happens now." I can imagine her devilish grin from the other end, this can't be good.


"We fucking party girl! You've got to celebrate tonight!"

Harper knows damn well I can't refuse a drink and given the current situation I had no reason to decline her offer.

"Oh no." I keep my reply short and sweet, Harper knew what I meant and we proceeded to say our goodbyes.

Tonight could go incredibly well or I could be on the news tomorrow morning laying half naked in a ditch where I passed out.

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