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Sapnap POV.

I knew I shouldn't have brought her here.

I thought it would be a chill date, I could get her food make her feel happy and then we could leave. I could sneak off for a few minutes and do what I had to do, but no. That dick just had to be here.

His smug smirk and fake laughter with his stoner friends didn't fool me. I couldn't stop staring at him, I didn't understand why he was here and I certainly didn't understand why he was talking to Ashlyn.

She looked scared when he approached her, almost like she'd seen him before. And she couldn't stop looking into his stupid eyes. I'll admit I was slightly jealous, she makes me get jealous sometimes and I hated it. I hated the way I hurt George for simply putting his finger on her. I was fucked up.

I don't know how he found her, I was careful not to bring her anywhere with me until now. I couldn't stop her from coming to the house every one goes to but I purposely didn't ask her out until now. Now he already knew who she was, I knew that he was aware ever since that fucking donation.

That's how I knew the fucker spiked her drink, there was no way in hell he would have walked away without trying something. I know how his brain works, I know how fucked up he can be.

He thinks he's found a weakness so he's not going to stop until I give him what he wants.

My eyes glance back to Ashlyn as she angrily shouts at the tall tattooed man behind her stool. I notice that his hand was no longer gripped to his other but instead placed on the bottom of her back, only inches from her arse.

She looks horrified as she wiggles in her seat, turning to whack his hand off of her.

I feel a loud thud forming behind my ears, I couldn't hear anything anymore, only the obnoxious thud. I could feel a sticky residue building up in my palms, I could no longer hold my glass without it slipping through my hand.

I was so angry.

Watching her visibly getting uncomfortable from his filthy hands and disgusting language. She was scared of him, I could tell by the panic in her icy blue eyes and her erratic movements.

I don't think before I stand to my feet, pushing the stool beneath me causing a high pitched screech to echo the room. My fist connects with the table between us, splinters of wood pierce my already red knuckles. I welcome the pain.

"Get your dirty hands of her." I'm quick to shove at the shoulders of the tall man.

"Have a struck a nerve...Sapnap." He pauses before using the name most people call me by, only he was doing it to anger me more. He knew damn well I didn't like it coming from his mouth.

"If you think I won't bust your lip because of the group of misfits over there, think again Ace." I spit at him, using his name for the first time.

He laughs, looking back briefly at the group I'm referring to. They were all perched on the edges of their seats, most likely waiting for me to make the first move so they can pounce on me.

See Ace here never does his dirty work alone, he always has his pack of misfits right behind him. He never throws a punch, he thinks it's some sort of power move. I just think he looks like a massive pussy.

"I think little miss blue over here would beg to differ." His eyes examine hers for a little too long.

His nickname for her made me feel sick, he'd said it too me once before, after the donation he gave. I see the disgusted look on Ashlyn's face when she hears him speak about her, her arms were crossed and she'd moved her stool back as a form of protection.

"Sapnap, please." She pleads to me.

"Ashlyn, I'll meet you outside." I'm stern with my tone, I wanted her to know I really meant it. I didn't want her to see the blood that might be spilt.

She stays quiet, picking up her bag and any belongings on the now broken table. She shuffled to her feet and doesn't give me a single look as she leaves the musky room. I didn't blame her, I'd be sick of my shit too.

"You need to stop harassing her." I draw my attention back to Ace.

"You need to pay me my money Nick, when you've been the good little boy I know you can be I'll leave the girl alone."

"I need more time."

"Nick you know he won't let me give you more time." Ace seems to drop his guard a little, but is quick to retrieve the menacing eyes once again.

"You could kill me and I'd have no money to my name Ace."

"Nick, you've got your hand in her pocket, take what you need." Ace tries to hint at the idea of me stealing from Ashlyn.

"You're sick." I shove his shoulder once again, only making me more and more angry.

"I gave you a chance." He rolls his eyes and starts to back away, whistling to his pack as he leaves.

I don't let him leave before I throw a punch to his head, I feel the crunch on my knuckles when they connect to his nose. From the large cry he lets out I can only assume I broke it.

It's not long before I feel a blow to the back of my head and several kicks in the back of my knees, making the buckle. I could feel a metallic taste in my mouth and a loud ringing in my ears, still receiving multiple blows to my body.

"Don't kill him yet, I'm not done with him." I hear Ace through the obnoxious ringing, I could feel the bruising starting to form and I was already aching all over.

There was no one in this place apart from those who were attacking me and the bartender. I didn't expect to be helped, the bartender was probably hiding out the back scared for his life that he'll get hit.

"Oh and Nick, her studio is lovely, she knows how to work a camera." I could hear the smirk in his voice as his footsteps drown out and the feeling of fists and bottoms of shoes are no longer present on my body.

I was weak.

My ears were still ringing when I try to move, only I could barely move. I was hunched over so my legs were touching my chests, in the position of an unborn baby. Everything hurt.

I shouldn't have come here.

"She knows how to work a camera."

What the fuck did he mean by that, I knew she looked scared when he was talking to her but I didn't think she knew who he was. Why would he go to her workplace, he has no business being there.

Involuntary my throat closes and uncloses, tickling the back of it and making me cough. My hand jumps to my mouth while I continue coughing, I notice blood on my hand when I finally stop.

Fuck, they really did a number on me.

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