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George POV.

"Why are you even here Sapnap?"

Clay was out somewhere and I was alone in our apartment, until Sapnap showed up out of the blue and uninvited. He was angry but I didn't know why.

"Do you like taking other people's property?" He asks.

"What are you talking about? You're being ridiculous."

"What went through your tiny brain to make you think you could lay your hands on her?" He now starts to move closer to me.

Her? Was he talking about Ashlyn?

"Who Sapnap? You're being delusional right now!"

"You put your hands on her and if I didn't walk in when I did god knows what you would've made her do."

"Oh Ashlyn." I smirk remembering how plump her lips looked that night, "She loved it and you walked in and-"

I was cut off by a fist to the cheek. The stinging sensation was instant but I didn't have time to process it before he kicked me in the ribs.

"Sapnap stop! What the fuck man?" I cry out in pain.

Since when was this man so possessive over a girl, usually he fucks them and leaves them. Why was Ashlyn so fucking different?

"Don't. Ever. Put. Your. Hands. On. Her. Again." He spits out in between punches and kicks.

My eyes were now becoming droopy and I was sore all over, I didn't want to let Sapnap get away with this shit again.

"Why do you always try to fuck with me? Clay listens, why the fuck can't you?" He was now pacing back and forth with his head in his hands.

I lift my now heavy arm and reach into my pocket, grabbing my phone. This bastard will be caught. I turn the phone to silent and search for contacts under 'H', when I find Harper's name I click call.

"What the fuck are you doing!" He shouts, looking in the direction of my mangled body on the floor.

He yanks the phone from my grasp and throws it across the room. I flinch waiting for a smashing sound to signal my screen was now broken, but it doesn't come. Thank fuck.

"Stop!" I cry out once again when he continues his assault on my body, I could feel the bruises and cuts already beginning to form.

He throws a few last punches, washes off his bloody hands and then leaves.

I close my eyes and try to think of anything but the pain I was currently in. My ribs hurt the most and I was sure they were fractured or something. This was the worst attack he's done, usually it's a small bust up and I could get a couple hits back but he was so powerful today. So determined.

I was praying that Harper heard at least some of that and she'd be here to help me any second. I would've called Ashlyn and she could've come in here and witnessed what Sapnap is really like, but unfortunately she never gave me her number.

"You're a prick!" I hear a females voice, being in the half awake faze I was in, I couldn't understand who it was.

Maybe it was Harper here already, I hope she was saying that to Sapnap and she caught him in the stairwell.

"What? You came in wearing that tight green lace, with your boobs popping out."

Sapnap? I thought he left and what was he talking about?

My eyes were stinging from the bright white lights in this enclosed room. When I've finished rubbing them and they were fully adjusted I realise I'm not alone in the room. Ashlyn was seated next to me, water brimming her eyes and Sapnap was near the door with a red face and blazing eyes.

Was I fucking dreaming? That was horrible and I felt as if the whole thing was happening all over again. I didn't want Sapnap to be here, I was afraid he'd try to fuck me up even more. But I kept his stupid secret, I didn't tell anyone it was him.

I could feel the tension in the room as the two stayed silent for a minute. Did Sapnap tell her what he did? Was that why she was crying? I had so many questions but I couldn't seem to speak.

Then I remembered the mention of tight green lace and boobs, what the fuck was that all about. Were they arguing?

"Why are you two shouting?" I finally manage to say something.


Just a small chapter today! Sorry <3

Euphoria | SapnapOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora