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Ashlyn POV.

"Let's fucking goooo!"

"Dammit, well done." I congratulate the smug British man.

I got dragged into partaking in this games night, which believe me would be fun if I wasn't such a competitive person. We were currently playing traditional monopoly and after an intense hour George took the victory.

"Sore loser?" Clay laughs at my half arsed congratulation.

"Don't even get me started on sore losers, I think you can take that crown." I jokingly mimic putting a crown on Clay's head.

The man that openly rages at the slightest inconveniences in a game has no right telling me I'm a sore loser. Especially given the broken half of a chess board that was laying on the other side of the room.

"Hey, I think Sapnap could be a runner up." Punz laughs.

I was still slightly surprised that Sapnap even showed up to this little get together, I wouldn't have pictured him playing games, let alone actually having a good time.

"You're all just jealous I won that just dance game." Sapnap retaliates.

"The moves you were busting out, I don't even think a little kid would be jealous." I giggle remembering the dad like dancing he was doing not too long ago.

"Yeah, yeah, just keep sipping your wine and take the loss."

I liked this side of Sapnap, he was enjoying himself and was somewhat carefree. He was angry too often when he didn't need to be, selfishly I hoped this new happy Sapnap was because of me. When in reality I knew it wasn't and I was sure he'd go back to making shitty comments tomorrow.

Now that the game was over, we were all relaxing in our seats. We were at George and Clay's apartment, as it was the place with the most games and biggest area to play them in. This was the first time I had been to their place and I was impressed at how nice it looked considering it was owned by two young men.

The first floor was an open plan layout, when you walk through the front door the kitchen was in front of you. The kitchen had a large island in the middle and to the right was the cooker, fridge and sink. On the left of the kitchen it opened up into a large living space, there were three separate white sofas that boxed round a large coffee table.

I hadn't been up to the second floor yet, but the staircase started from the back wall of the living area. It had a nice glass railing along the sides of it, adding to the modern look of the apartment.

"I just want to compliment you two on the look of your apartment!" I smile at the two boys on the left hand sofa.

Currently they were on the left, Punz and Harper were cuddled on the right hand sofa. I was sitting on the right half of the middle sofa and Sapnap was sitting on the left half. We were on the same sofa but I felt miles away from him, I've noticed he always tries to stay seated my himself.

"Really? We probably clean it once every 3 months." Clay wheezes at my compliment.

"Really the fucking wheeze." I start laughing, I couldn't help it when he started laughing like a tea kettle.

"But yes, it looks very modern and nice."

"Thanks." George smiles.

It was starting to get late now but I didn't mind because I was having a good time and I didn't have work the next day. Everybody looked tired and worn out from all the games we were playing so I decide to make a new suggestion.

"Movie?" I pose the question. "I could go get some snacks from the corner shop while you guys set it up?"

Everyone seems to agree with my suggestion, so I start to gather my things, putting my phone into my bag and placing it over my shoulder. I didn't really like the thought of going on my own, but Harper looked too sleepy and I sure as hell wasn't going to ask Sapnap.

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