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Ashlyn POV.

"Are you excited?"

Harper and I were in my apartment doing our makeup ready for a party tonight.

"It's just a party." I shrug my shoulders, continuing to apply eyeshadow.

"Oh come on."

"What? He hasn't spoken to me, why should I give a fuck it's his birthday?" I fume.

I was angry at him from our last phone call, he lied to me saying he was busy and got rude like always. If he wasn't going to give time to me then I wasn't going to acknowledge him. I guess I was wrong in thinking he might like me.

"Sapnap.... Sapnap is difficult, you know that." Harper tries to reason with me.

"Too fucking right, I'm sick of thinking he's being genuine and nice for him to be a dick a few days later."

She stays silent after my little rant, going back to concentrating on her makeup. I decided on creating a brown smokey eye with a golden cut crease, my favourite go to eyeshadow look. The rest of my makeup was basic things like foundation, contour and blusher, I didn't tend to use highlight as it made my already oily skin even more shiny.

"He talks about you a lot." Harper mumbles to my side, I barely hear her.

"Louder." I say, wanting to make sure I heard her correctly.

"Punz, he told me that Sapnap talks about you a lot." She admits.

"That means nothing, I talk about you a lot, doesn't mean I want you in my bed." I roll my eyes.

Secretly it did mean a lot to me, I wondered what he talks about. Surely there's not a lot for him to talk about when it comes to me, we don't talk enough for that. I wanted to be something important to him, but I have a feeling not a lot of people get that pleasure.

"Just don't be a dick to him tonight, it's his birthday after all." Harper chooses to ignore my petty comment.

We both finish up with our makeup and pack it all away. I still hadn't decided on what I would wear to this party and I only had an hour to figure it out. I wanted to wear something that I felt comfortable in while drinking, but also something that Sapnap would notice. I was going to make this dick wish he spoke to me more.

"You should wear this." Harper picks out a silver silk dress that was at the back of my wardrobe.

"No, that was the dress I wore to mine and Ty's first date." I look at the dress once more, sad memories resurface in my head.

"Ash you've gotta stop calling him Ty, he treated you like absolute shit and you still seem to give him respect."

"It's hard H, I'm over him don't get me wrong but I've only ever called him Ty." I grab the dress from Harper's hands and run my fingers along the fabric.

"Let's burn it."


"Let's burn the stupid dress and get that arsehole off your mind for good."

She grabs my hand and pulls me out of my room, down my short flight of stairs and into the kitchen. I stand in shock, I really was about to burn this dress. Maybe this was a good thing, maybe this would give me the push I needed to forget him and move on completely with my life.

She grabs my empty trash can that was conveniently metal and places it on the island. She looks at me and I take the hint and dump the dress into the trash can. She takes the lighter from one of my draws and gets ready to light the dress.

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