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Ashlyn POV.

"Where the bloody hell have you taken us this time." I look wide eyed at the lit up house in front of me.

The garden was pretty small and the grass looked dead and trampled, which doesn't surprise me given the amount of empty cups littered everywhere. There was a long cobble pathway leading up to the tall white oak door, which I can only assume has witnessed a good hundred people pass through it in the last hour.

"You see, there's this guy who I'm talking to and he invited me to this place, and given your recent promotion I couldn't help but ask you along with me." She rushes to the last point.

"Sorry- talking to? Spill!" I quickly flip Harper's body so she can't avoid eye contact with me.

"I- shit. I should have said anything, it's probably not even going to work out." She shrugs, once again turning her body from me.

"No, no, no." 

"Fuck- fine okay." She huffs. "He's called Punz, he's got this gorgeous long blonde hair and the most mesmerising eyes, honestly if you could see this man Ash you'd fall in love."

I stare at her, somewhat shocked. Not once have I ever seen laid back Harper, miss independent Harper, be hung up over a guy like this. He must be beautiful, either that or he's incredible in bed.

"Wow." I just stare at her, I notice her cheeks becoming redder as she realises how in love she sounds.

"Ash." She groans. "We've barely seen each other, I just think he's an attractive man and has such an amazing personality." She continues to explain.

"Okay okay I get it- now can we please get inside I'm fucking freezing!" I feel the sharp breeze on my bare shoulders as we start to walk down the long cobble path.

Taking a second look at the house before us I notice it's a lot larger than I originally thought, the majority of its outside was white with accents of black and grey. I could see chains of smoke flowing out the upstairs windows and flashing lights of all colours.

I don't tend to get too dressed up when going to laid back events like this, I'd rather be comfortable and enjoy my time. I'm dressed in tight fitting black jeans, laced with distressed rips, without the gaping holes in the knees that you'd typically see. I decided on a khaki green lace corset top, one that really accentuates my boobs, I like to wear green as it compliments my tanned complexion.

Once we reach the door of the tall building Harper doesn't hesitate to push open the door. Instantly my ears are flooded with loud music, to the left of the doorway there was a makeshift table set up, with an abundance of drinks scattered on it. Honestly given the amount of people here it didn't look like enough alcohol, so I take this as an excuse to grab two bottles of vodka and a bottle of tequila.

"Eager." Harper raises one eyebrow at my choice of alcohol.

"Why not start off with a bang!" I semi shout over the music.

Harper smirks at me then motions for me to follower her through the hallway, leading to an enormous sitting area. There was a grey square shaped sofa in the centre of the room where multiple people were either making out or having general conversation. In the areas around the sofa there was large spaces where people were dancing, I could see strips of neon lights on the ceiling, really giving the house a club vibe.

"C'mon, Punz said to meet him in the fourth room on the right upstairs." Harper points to the grande staircase that's leading to the second floor.

She leads the way as we push past the sweaty bodies of people who have probably been here way too long. We reach the white staircase and start to climb it, up the length of the staircase we would walk past couples sucking each others faces. We love teenagers.

Once we reach the second floor there was a wide hallway that carried on to the last room at the end of the house. It kind of reminded me of a hotel hallway, due to the amount of doors there was on the second floor.

"This is the one." She reaches her hand out to the door handle but stops her self. I could see the confident look on her face, but I didn't believe it one bit as I could see her hand shaking by the handle.


"Yeah yeah a little bit." She breaths out.

"Hey, let's go see your man. You look sexy as hell in that lace black dress." I try to give her that boost she needs.

She simply answers with a smile and takes one last breath before opening the door. I'm surprised when I can finally see into the room, it was similar to the downstairs sitting area, except there was a lot less room. In fact the square sofa practically covered the whole room.

It seems as though every single head in the room turns to look at who is barging through the door. Fuck Harper, now I'm nervous, why was everyone in this room so intimidating.

"Harper." A seated blonde boy, with a scruffy beard, wearing an oversized black hoodie smiles. I'm guessing this is Punz.

"Hey." Harper's tiny voice calls out from beside me. Shit I really have never seen this side to her, which to be fair I understand because he is gorgeous.

I scan my eyes across the room, on the sofa next to Punz was two other men. One was another tall blonde, the other was a smaller brunette who didn't seem to stop smiling.

"Ashlyn." I introduce myself. It went silent for a few seconds.

"Did anyone ask?" I hear a low voice reply. What the fuck.

I look over to where the voice came from and on the opposite sofa was a brunette, with a stubble. He had a cigarette between his fingers and was breathing out a puff of the toxic smoke. His eyes were fixated on me, they looked dark in the dim lighting and honestly it kind of scared me.

"Don't be a dick Sapnap." Punz rolls his eyes, "Come in, come sit down. Just make sure you close the door, we don't want strangers popping in."

Sapnap? What kind of a fucking name is Sapnap anyway.

I gently nudge Harper, so she moves forward and I can step in and close the door behind me. I'm still carrying the bottles of alcohol in my arms, they probably think I'm a right creep.

I don't bother to bring Harper with me when I walk round the empty sofa with it's back to the door and sit myself on the left corner. Furthest away from the strangers in the room. Harper waddles over towards Punz and he moves slightly to make room for her on the three seater, she had to basically sit on his lap.

"I'll move so you can sit down properly!" The small brunette whose sitting on the end of the seat suggests. He then proceeds to make his way over to me, meaning the last few minutes I had of freedom have been taken away.

He gives me a questioning look, silently asking for permission before sitting there. I also stay silent and just nod, receiving a smile from the man. I suddenly start to feel tension in the room so I unscrew the lid from the tequila bottle and bring it to my mouth. Without hesitation I pour the liquid down my throat, taking multiple gulps before bringing the bottle down again.

Despite the burning sensation in the pit of my neck, I managed to keep a straight face and not embarrass myself in front of these strangers. I wonder what this brunette beside me is called, he seems quiet.

"Ashlyn, this is Clay, beside you is George and dickhead over there is Sapnap." Punz answers my thoughts.

"Nice to meet you both!" I smile, looking only towards George and Clay. I hear a huff from the left of me, clearly Sapnap didn't like the fact I can be as much of a prick as him.

"So Harper has told me you just got offered a management job! Congratulations." Punz praises me, I like this guy.

"That's amazing well done Ashlyn." Clay adds on.

"Thank you, it was a bit of a shock but I'm really excited. I just wanna get pissed right now though so please let's not talk about it." I laugh. I could already feel the familiar blur behind my eyes as half the bottle of tequila I downed a minute ago hits me.

From the corner of my eye I see Sapnap start to rise from his seat, I wasn't sure if he was getting something or was bored of sitting here. My questions were however answered when he took two long strides across the room and out of the door, slamming it in the process.

Oh boy, this will be a long night.

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