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Ashlyn POV:

Sapnap leads us through a set of rotting doors, the paint was peeling and they looked old. I had no idea where we were but it didn't look inviting, if this was where we were eating I was sure I'd go home with food poisoning.

The area was dimly lit and there were multiple round tables with tall stalls, which I assumed were eating areas. There was a large bar area that filled the entire back wall, I could see reflections of glass bottles that hung upside down. It reminded me of clubs and pubs in England.

"Wow you have such a nice taste." I stop walking, looking at around the room once again.

"Do you ever stop complaining?" He quickly turns his head to look at me.

"This place is shit." I ignore his rude reply.

"Then leave." He turns back around and walks to the bar.

I stand frozen as I watch him wave over a worker and order himself a drink. He seats himself on a tall standing stall overlooking the bar area, he puts both of his elbows on the island and impatiently waits for his order.

He fucking invited me here. He called me and asked me to come. Yet he talks to me like shit. I wanted so badly to walk back out the stupid rotten doors we walked through, but I couldn't. Despite his sour attitude and shitty comments, part of me still wanted to try and make this date work. I just wanted him to stop being a dick.

I walk over to the bar and hop onto the barstool next to him, I throw my bag onto the counter top and fold my arms. He doesn't look at me but I hear him snigger.

"Vodka and lemonade." I nod at the young bartender, who was currently pouring whatever drink Sapnap ordered.

My stomach was still growling and I hadn't eaten, which I knew wouldn't bode well with the alcohol I was about to consume.

"You need to stop being a dick." I keep my eyes on the bartender as I talk, I didn't want to look at Sapnap's smug face.

"You need to stop trying to change me." He says.

"I'm just asking you to be a decent human being." I didn't appreciate his comment.

"And I said you need to stop trying to change me." He slams his fist on the counter, causing the bartender to jump in shock.

I give the man an apologetic smile, partly assuring him I'm okay. I was used to Sapnap being overly aggressive by now. The man finishes with our drinks and places them on the counter, Sapnap pulls out some cash and hands it to the man.

"So, I want to know, is Sapnap your real name?" I ask the question I've always wondered, surely it wasn't his actual name.


"Okay..." I give him a questioning look, "So what is it?"

"You don't need to know. Sapnap is fine."

"This is going to be a shit date if you don't say more than two words to me." I start to get irritated by his basic responses.

"Fine, you get to ask me 5 questions. Make them good." He rolls his eyes at my annoyance.

"Fucking hell don't get too ahead of yourself." I mock his offer. How am I meant to learn more about this man in only 5 questions.

"Ashlyn, if you're not happy with how I am then why did you even bother coming here with me?" He lifts his glass and downs the contents in one, harshly bringing the glass down to the counter again.

He slides the glass to near where the bartender was cleaning and lowers his eyes. The bartender seemed to catch on as he grabs the glass to begin topping it up with more alcohol.

"You intrigue me."

We both fall silent, he looked taken aback by my words.

"I don't know why you're so much of an arsehole and I don't know why you treat everyone like shit. You've been nothing but nasty to me, except when you want something from me-"

He tries to interrupt me but I hold my hand up to stop him.

"-but, but somehow you still manage to make me feel good." I admit.

"Good?" He looks lost. The bartender sheepishly pushes another full glass towards Sapnap, he picks it up and takes a small sip. 

"I don't know? Happy I guess."

Happy didn't seem like the right word to use, but I guess he did make me feel a little happy. It didn't overweigh the amount of times he has said something hurtful, but it was a step in the right direction.

"I don't make people happy. You're lying."

He looked down at his glass and if I wasn't so used to seeing his evil smile or toxic smirk, I would say he looked miserable. I felt a pang of sadness stir inside me, my heart felt warm as I looked at the man in front of me.

He just unwillingly showed me vulnerability and he didn't even know it.

"Sapnap, I mean it." I reach my hand up to his face and make him look at me while I smile.

"Nick." He whispers.

Nick? What does he mean Nick?

"I don't understand?"

"My name." He says a bit louder.

"You're name is Nick?"

"Yes." He picks up the glass again and pours the remainder of the liquid into his mouth.

I wasn't used to this. He was revealing more to me and I wasn't sure if he felt comfortable doing it.

"Hi Nick." I smile, I wanted him to feel comfortable. I reach out my hand, ready to shake his as though we just met again for the first time.

He shakes his head and laughs slightly, I could feel the mood being lifted and a smile was creeping on his face.

"Don't leave me hanging." I frown.

"Hi Ashlyn." He brings up his hand and shakes it with mine.

"It's nice to meet you." I carry on the corny joke.

"Okay fucking stop." He laughs, even though his words were harsh I knew he was joking.

"Can we please get some food now." I groan, remembering once again how hungry I really was.

He nods and stands from his seat, leaving his empty glass on the counter. He offers his hand so I take it and jump down from the stall, I grab my bag and my drink and follow his lead. He walks us over to one of the rounded tables with shorter stalls, we both sit down.

In the middle of the table was a stained menu, it was kind of sticky and made me want to throw up but I didn't want to complain again. I place it down on the table and scan my eyes across the options, seeing it was mainly pub classic meals like lasagne.

"What do you want?" He asks me after a few minutes.

"I'll just have a Pizza, margherita please" I clarify which pizza I want.

"I'll go order it." He nods, standing from his seating and walking back over to the bar.

I look around the room once again, I notice there were only a few other people in the room with us, mainly men with rough clothing. They were sitting on their own and had a tall bottle of beer in front of them.

The doors at the entrance are pushed open and a group of people walk in. They all seemed to have tattoos and piercings covering their bodies, which I must admit looked cool. There was a burst of chatter when they arrived and the once quite music playing through the room was no longer heard.

Whilst I watched the group the ripped material of a denim jacket catches my eye. I scan the body and see pale skin and tattooed littering their arm, when my eyes reach theres I'm meant with a haunting stare.

I knew as soon as those eyes met mine who this was, I remembered the distressed outfit and the curly black hair on his head. How could I forget the chiselled face and dark terrifying eyes.

I'd met him once before, at my studio, where I took pictures of him.

"Nice to see you again darling." His words send shivers down my spine.

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