Chapter 20: repairing

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Luke pov

I sat on the couch Patty in my lap as we bummed it watching tv a huge load off of our shoulders. Bribry was officially In prison for harassment and assault for the next 2 years since laws where so strict in Texas and England.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I herd Pattys voice softly singing along with the theme song on TV and u signed in to his back.


"Nothing keep singing"

"Huh why? I thought most of the time you told the band to shut up than keep singing."

"One no I was just doing in for the video and two I just like you singing not drums and guitars playing over it your voice by yourself is AMAZING"


"Amazing!!!!!!" Patty just laughed at me as we rested further into each other.

Jason pov

"You've been quiet" I said turning over in bed to wrap my arms around Karim.

I herd no response.

"Oh so your not going to talk to me huh?"

I knew he was awake because he was scrolling through Tumblr on his laptop.

"Babe, babe what's wrong tell me"

"Ok fine" he closed his laptop and turned over so we were lying down face to face.

"Where did you go?"


"When you went away where"

I just shook my head pulling karim closer till our cheeks touched.

"Oh to the mountains, through the trees you know maybe I'll tell you guys one day but not anytime soon"

"Here" Karim held up one of my braided bracelets above us I gently took his hand and the bracelet slipping it back on him.

"You can keep it Kreme to remind you who's the sexiest man in the world" Karim just hit me upside the head.

"Shut up you tease I should take that title"

I just laughed and pulled Karim in for a kiss before he turned back around and opened it back to Tumblr.

"Your the worst kind of person you know that right?"

"Shut up I'm looking at gifs"
Keep up the positive vibes ✌️
(Sorry this was short but it was only about them getting back together and just felling comfortable again😊)

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