Chapter 9: Karim

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I woke actually feeling great for once no pain even touched my ribs as I stretched.
"Ummm? bri?" Looked around my room but only saw bribry bags piled up in the corner.
But I heard small cries that automatically shattered my heart.
"Patty?" I slowly got up out my room and approached the upstair and what I saw almost killed me inside.
Patty was laying fetal position crying his eyes out,shirt up and his pants were undone.

"Oh-oh God Patty" I raced over cradling Patty in my arms. he tensed as I hugged him tight.
"Karim" Patty hugged back just as tight as we sat on the floor when I herd the
Front door bang open and footsteps running upstairs.

"BRIBRY WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" I herd Jason's voice booming as he and Luke bounded up the stairs straight to the attic.

"Forget Bribry what's wrong with Patty" Luke said as he crouched next to Patty with a comforting hand rubbing his back.

"Karim what happened" Jason griped me by my shoulders tight as he pulled me from Patty.

I winced at his strength.
"I-I don't know I'm sorry I was asleep I'm sorry" Jason looked at me more softly letting his grip fade.

"I'm gonna kill him I will"

"Jason! Will you stop let's ask the real victim here" Luke intruded on Jason's threats as he looked down at Patty.

"Patty,whats wrong you can tell us please" Luke lifted Patty's chin his face facing all of us.

"He-he told me that he was coming back for me Luke please don't let him get me please" just whispers were herd as Patty hugged Luke harder almost like he was trying to hide in his arms.

"Please,please,please" Patty kept reciting the last word before he passed out from exhaustion.
After putting Patty to sleep Luke decided to stay up with him as me and Jason walked back down stairs.

Jason went to the farthest part of the living room to his computer and started to type.

"I don't think now is the time for Twitter up dates Jason" I looked over his shoulder at his computer.

"I'm not on Twitter I'm booking flights.

"What why?"

"Because Karim wee need to let bribry think that we would stay at home but really well be somewhere else far away let all of this die down" Jason clicked buttons on our computer indicating that our flights were booked while closing his lap top.

"So you know I have to ask were are we going and when are we going" I questioned as Jason was already pulling me upstairs to pack.

"We're going to Texas tomorrow"


"And that's why we're going Patty please it will do is all some good" I pleaded with Patty.

"Ok ok I'll go Karim"

"Great, listen Patty I don't know what happened in the attic but I'm proud of you for going with us, I am" Patty just looked down fiddling his fingers as he stood up.

I linked my arms around his waist before giving him a kiss on his forehead .

"It's going to be all right Patty I promise" I gave a huge smile that he returned back the best he could.

"Hey don't forget to pack your bandages I don't want you're chest getting hurt on this trip ok?"

"Don't worry Patty seeing your smile makes me feel better everyday" Patty walked out of my room to pack as I turned to my closet to pack my self.

"Ok next stop the U.S.A"

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