Chapter 18: Patty

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"Omg I can't wait to get back home with Jason"

After waking up about an hour ago we pre-ordered our tickets for late afternoon awaiting our boyfriend to get back.

"Yeah and hopefully avoid you know who" Karim mentioned while zipping up his suitcase.

"Well I don't think so cause maybe I'll have to remind him what will happen" Luke hit his fist inside of his palm.

I rolled my eyes sitting back on the bed about to sleep until Jason gets here.


we all sat up looking at the door. the horrid pounding continued.


I slowly got up off of the bed walking towards the door with my boyfriends.



We quickly went into action once we saw the door handle looking like it was about to give in. We piled shelfs, bookcases anything we could find in the hotel room against the door.


I slowly started to panic again hearing screams and bangs. I felt a warm pair of arms around my chest. Karim held me while I saw Luke pick up the phone calling for security.

"Yes please come quick he's about to break down our door!" Luke yelled into the phone than all of a sudden the noises stopped.

Than a huge thump could be herd. thinking it must be the cops we hurriedly move all the items from in front of the door swinging the door open.

Sure the cops were dragging away an unconscious Bribry but Jason was there whiling the blood of his knuckles.

"OMG JASON" we all yelled as we surrounded each other in hugs and cuddles.

"Im so glad your back Jason" I hugged his especially tight.

"Ouch my knuckles"

"You know what this means we both got to hit bribry YEAH" Luke and Jason quickly slapped hands.

"Umm excuse me can I ask you guys a few questions about that man" we all nodded gathering around the small girl to share our short story.
Sharing a whole lot of more hugs and cuddles we quickly packed our bags paid for our room and left the hotel getting in our rental car.

The ride to the airport was deathly quiet until Jason spoke up.

"You know guys I'll never tell you what happened cause that's my stuff but, I will tell you that I will be lost without you guys I really would" I smiled at Jason's words.

I had felt that a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders for a long long time. bribry was most defiantly going to jail, we were going home and I had all THREE of my boyfriends back.

After paying the cabbie we walked into the airports got our passports checked and our tickets taken up before we boarded the plane.

Sitting next to Jason I leaned my head on his shoulder just enjoying his warmth.

It may have been a 7 hour flight but I wished it would last forever with my three boyfriends.
Keep up the good vibes✌️

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