Chapter 4: Karim

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Ugh, my head pounded like someone was just banging it with a hammer it hurt so bad. I struggled to open my eyes as bright light blinded me making my eyes shut back closed.

"Karim baby can you hear me" a sad caring voice echoed in my head although it was a quiet voice it made my head bang. I groaned.

"Guys I think he's up" hearing other people in the room I struggled yet again to open my eyes to the world around me. I looked up and saw Jason,Luke and Patty smiling down at me even though Patty had tear tracks going down his face Jason and Luke just looked so worn out.
"W-where are we" I stumbled my words my throat felt so dry it almost hurt to talk.

Patty rubbed my hand and squeezed he laid a soft kiss on my forehead before he spoke.
"Karim that abandoned house we were in the floor gave in and you fell" Patty started but was unable to finish his words as he squeezed my hand a little harder.

"Were at the hospital sweets,you were hurt really bad" Jason moved a piece of hair out of my face.
"The doctor said you'll be perfectly fine but you did manage to fracture a couple of your ribs with the impact" Luke said while gently rubbing Patty's back to comfort him.
"You'll have to stay over night so they can watch you but we're not going anywhere" Jason spoke his voice having a raspy tone to it.

I weakly put my hand over my chest were I felt several bandages across my chest before putting it back down agin.
"J-Jason water please" once hearing the request before the door slammed shut Jason was back with the cup with the doctor trailing behind him.
Jason neatly as he could poured little by little increments of water down my throat until it was gone only after did the doctor speak.

"Ummmm well by tomorrow you should be able to go home sir but you do need lots of bed rest for 3 weeks just to make sure those bones heal up" he paused but only for a second "also you'll be on a little antibiotics to stop the pain but that's it do any of you have any questions" he looked at the 3 boys around the hospital bed. but after 1 minute of nobody saying anything the doctor said his goodbyes.

i shifted my position a little but regretted it as i clenched up from my chest pains.
"Careful Karim" Jason stated as he saw me flinch.
"I'll be f-fine you guys don't even worry" I insisted not wanting any of my boyfriends to trouble over me.
Luke softly rubbed my head as I began to close my eyes again.

"Just rest now....kream" Luke have a sad little smile as sleep started to pull me in.
"We'll be right here when you wake up" Jason replied.
"We love you" Patty squeezed my hand one more time.
"We will never allow this to happen to you again" they all promised as I slipped back to slumber.

{Sorry guys this ones a little short finals are coming up and I just had to get something out between this week before I go into them but anyway hope you guys have a fantastic day!!!!😙😙}
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨Keep up the positive vibes

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