George's man

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British Admiral Howe's got troops on the water

Thirty-two thousand troops in New York Harbor

Thirty-two thousand troops in New York Harbor

When they surround our troops

They surround our troops

When they surround our troops

Elizabeth was sitting in the living room reading the paper, it was talking about how the british armys are getting close and are fighting a lot harder which are causing a lot of American men to be hurt and getting killed due to the british fighting back harder.

As a kid in the Caribbean I wished for a war

I knew that I was poor; I knew it was the only way to

Rise up

Alexander has heard that George washington slowly lose it, it was clear that George was getting mad at the fact that english were winning and that they were in the same spot than they were a week ago, Alexander could only think of his wife Eliza, he knew that she would be scared and worried for his health and safety.

If they tell my story

I am either gonna die on the battlefield in glory or

Rise up

Alexander wanted to do more, he knew that he could do more, but what status does he have? He only has a small status thanks to marrying Eliza since she has been born into a rich family that had already built status.

I will fight for this land, but there's only one man

Who can give us a command, so we can

Rise up

He knew that he wants to be on the battlefield so that he can fight for the country that he met his wife, the place that is allowing him to live a full life, the place that he has became his home, he knew that he wanted to fight and he did not want to take no for an answer.

Understand, it's the only way to

Rise up

Rise up

Here he comes

George was shouting and yelling at men to go and do there jobs he was angry and he was not hiding it and everyone was running around trying to please him and make sure they were out of his firing line since they didn’t want to be screamed at.

Here comes the general!

Ladies and gentlemen!

Here comes the general!

The moment you've been waiting for!

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