Thomas Vs Alexander

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The room of men were talking to each other, they were all ready to see a verbal war between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, people have see both parties fight for what they believe in against other people who weren’t as strong at debuting than them but now they are evenly matched with both intelligence and wit.

George claps his hands and goes to the center of the room, and let all of the men slowly quite down “Ladies and gentlemen” he said with directing the word ‘ladies’ towards John Adams “you could have been anywhere in the world tonight” he said as began to walk around the room “But you're here with us in New York City” he said knowing that this was not meeting that they had to be at, but all the men choose to be there to see this fight “Are you ready for a cabinet meeting, huh?” he asked which caused all the men to cheer and clap ready to see this war of words between two of the smartest men in the cabinet.

George stood in the center and looks to both Thomas and Alexander “The issue on the table, Secretary Hamilton's plan to assume state debt and establish a national bank” he said sternly looking at Hamilton then looks to Jefferson “Secretary Jefferson, you have the floor, sir” he said then sits down at his chair to watch the two men.

Thomas nods and goes to the center of the room “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” he said as he looks at each of the men in the room “We fought for these ideals, we shouldn't settle for less” he said which caused some men to nod in agreement “These are wise words, enterprising men quote 'em” he said as he looks to George then finally to Alexander “Don't act surprised, you guys, 'cause I wrote 'em” he said cocky which caused all the men other than James, George and Alexander say “ow”.

Thomas puts his hand “But Hamilton forgets” he said as he looks to George “His plan would have the government assume state's debts” he said in slight anger then looks to the other men “Now, place your bets as to who that benefits” he asked rhetorically then points to Alexander “The very seat of government where Hamilton sits” he said which made some men nod their heads again agreeing with Thomas.

Alexander shakes head hating how Thomas makes him sound with his plan “Oh, if the shoe fits, wear it” Thomas shot at him seeing him shake his head “If New York's in debt, why should Virginia bear it?” he asked which caused some men who are from Virginia to cheer “Uh, our debts are paid, I'm afraid” he said and goes in front of Alexander “Don't tax the South 'cause we got it made in the shade” he snapped at Alexander which caused him to get mad “In Virginia, we plant seeds in the ground” he said as he began to walk around “We create, you just wanna move our money around” he said which got George to nod as he took his notes “This financial plan is an outrageous demand” Thomas stated which caused Alexander to take a deep breath “And it's too many damn pages for any man to understand” Thomas said laughing which caused some other to laugh “Stand with me in the land of the free and pray to God we never see Hamilton's candidacy” he said which caused Alexander to get more mad at his comments “Look, when Britain taxed our tea, we got frisky” he said and got in Alexander’s face “Imagine what gon' happen when you try to tax our whisky” he said and makes his way over to James and took his walking stick from him and stood there with a smirk on his face.

George claps his hands and nods his head at Thomas who did back to him “Thank you, Secretary Jefferson” he said then looked to Alexander and nodded “Secretary Hamilton, your response” he said then sat down again.

Hamilton love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon