Coming home

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At the Schuyler manor, Uptown

Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton sounds like a very beautiful name for a very kind, smart, and brave woman. This woman was seated on her porch with her hand on her stomach, her eyes were closed as she concentrated on breathing, It had been three full months since Alexander had left, She hadn't written to him about her pregnancy but she wrote to him every day, maybe it was supposed to be a surprise? perhaps the child wasn't his? most civilians would go for the first, the Schuyler girl wasn't a scheming person.

Meanwhile, Alexander had been released from his post, first, he had gotten in a duel with Charles Lee, secondly, he tested General Washington's patience, and now he's being sent home and escorted all the way to New York by Aaron Burr and Marquis de Lafayette, He felt sour during his journey, not even Lafayette's mothering was comforting in fact he found it quite annoying, He clutched the letter in his coat, It was sent to him yesterday from John to his young sister-in-law Margarita 'Peggy' Schuyler. He had not seen the content of it, he merely guessed it was some sort of love letter, how wrong was he.

"Mon ami, why the sour face? you'll be with your wife soon" Lafayette says as he slowed his horse to match with Alexander's pace "go away Gilbert." he says pouting sadly and takes out his flask "Here, have some wine." he tossed it at Lafayette who gripped the bottle while laughing loudly.

"Aaron, What are you chuckling about hm?" Lafayette says as he goes up front, he had been harassing the poor soldier about his mistress, what was her name again? ah! Theodosia Prevost. "If you must know, I'm going to see my wife-to-be" Aaron smiles proudly "I hope I  get to see her as well, so I can place a crown of flowers on her head and call her Catherine" he teased again making Aaron blush "Be quiet Gilbert! not this one, she's the one, I can feel it" he hissed as Lafayette sighs dramatically "Shame"

Back at the Schuyler Manor, Uptown.

Elizabeth was comforting her worrying sister, Peggy had been scared, she sent John a letter threes days ago and he hadn't replied, usually, he would, It would be short and quick and Peggy didn't mind, It was proof that he was still alive.

"he'll respond soon dear sister, John is down south...It must be difficult to write when he's been commanding an army" Eliza rubs her sister's back "oh dear Peggy, please don't worry, you'll stress the baby.." she says softly, Peggy cups Eliza's face "oh dearest Eliza, what would I do without you?" she cried softly then rest her head on her sister's lap.

Alexander had made it to New York, He had figured his wife had gone to the Schuyler manor, He had recalled her saying something about Peggy being pregnant, he goes on the right path, leaving Aaron and Lafayette to have their fun.

Elizabeth frowns as she thinks about her husband, She was getting worried, by now a letter would arrive from him. That was until she sees a familiar white horse coming up the road at full speed "...Is that?" she runs downstairs and stands on the porch "Alexander!" she calls happily and clasps her hands excitedly and waved "Alexander!"

Alexander stopped his stallion and jumps off "Elizabeth!" he takes off his hat and jogged to her and pulls her in a hug "Ew! Alexander go shower!" she scolded and hugs back laughing "I missed your did you? the war's not over yet..." she asked and cups his face

"My dear Betsy, I merely tested the General's patience..." he explained everything that happened, not even noticing the slight change in her figure while Eliza takes his arms and listens intently, the lovely newlyweds slowly made their way inside the house.

Peggy had rushed downstairs in a haste "Alexander!" she hugs him happily "Oh! I've missed our talks!" she giggles, Alexander hugs her tightly and smiles "Peggy! I heard about your pregnancy...are you alright?" he asks clutching the letter in his pocket.

Peggy frowned slightly "I'm fine...Where's John? have you heard from him?" she asked and squeezes her skirts with worry, Alexander sighed and explains to her what had happened and how John left the day after the duel and he hadn't heard from him until yesterday "He sent this" he takes out the letter and gives it to her, Eliza shakes her head as Peggy snatched it from his hands "I'll be in the gardens..." she says gently and walks off.

Peggy opens it in a hurry, her eyes scanned over the page, her smile fading fast. " this?" she drops it, Alexander frowned and picks it up, he reads it and gasped "'s not...true" he holds the paper tightly "This can't be true!" 

Peggy takes it from him "my John is gone...He's gone..." she puts her hand on her stomach and sits down in shock, she gripped Alexander's leg and looks up "He's really...gone" she whimpered and covered her mouth "go to Eliza..she wants to talk to you..." she says softly and pushed him slightly "go..."

Alexander stumbled outside when he saw her, Eliza was standing on her toes trying to grab an apple, he sees her barely noticeable bump "Eliza..." he says in a stupor, Eliza turns around and smiles 

"Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now" she whispers and hold her stomach smiling softly "Look around, look around"

He goes on his knees and puts his hands on her stomach "How long have you known?" She giggles "A month or so" Alexander frowns deeply "Eliza, you should have told me"

"I wrote to the General a month ago..." she whispers as he placed his ear on her stomach "I begged him to send you home" He looks up "You should have told me" he mumbled and she shakes her head "I'm not sorry, I knew you'd fight until the war was won" he frowns "war's not done" she ran a hand through his hair "But you deserve a chance to meet your son, look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now" she whispers softly.

Finally, Eliza’s heart was at ease, Her husband was home…safe

(This chapter is by King_George_Federick

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