hi welcome to chilis

17 1 11

sungchan is so cute

i thought i would be bored during his relay cam but it was actually pretty entertaining

ok anyways

im here to rant

about what?


but im here anyway

so hi

how are yall doing?

oh wait i know what to rant about

im in my english class rn

this bitch is so annoying

so have you guys ever had that one girl whos just such a know-it-all and knows everything and corrects everyone to the point that its so annoying you wish shed just shut the hell up?

i do

and that girl is giving us a presentation about some stupid old england lifestyle shit

and idk why

like this is an english class, im here to read, write, and analyze so i dont give a shit about whether women's shorts went past their knees or not

shes annoying me so much i wanna just leave the meeting

know-it-alls just get on my nerves so much

like i know that im not very smart and im ok with that, im here to LEARN

you dont have to correct me on every screw up i make, you dont have to be so condescending and just assume youre better than not only me, but the rest of the class just because you know some facts about shakespeare

i know i dont know that stuff but im sure i know things that you dont

what if i quizzed you on the history of kpop?  would you know that?  do you know who the first group to debut was, who invented the first lightstick, what the biggest company is?

im sure that you dont

and i dont expect you to

and id never look down on you just because you dont know that

we all have our own interests and things we like to learn about so stfu

you and your condescending ass are no better than me

and you cant even be humble either

idk im mad

we have a kahoot about this shit now so bye


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