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i need advice on a few things


some context before we begin, ive had family members with severe covid complications that affect them to this day and its presumed to be one of my family member's cause of death.  plus my mother is a doctor who deals with cancer patients so if i give her covid and she gives it to her patients it could actually kill them

ok on with the story 

almost everyone in my friend group has gotten covid.  i havent yet because im extremely careful to the point that people get annoyed with me and say im overly paranoid but whatever

i would never be mad at my friends for getting covid, if they got it in a dumb way maybe id be disappointed and laugh it off but id NEVER be mad at them


one my my best friends had covid a few weeks back and continued to be around me without a mask and got close to me and everything as if nothing had happened

and he never told me

i literally found out today

and i said that he shouldve told me because i have a lot of people in my life who have suffered and still suffer from it and some people who could actually die because of it

and he didnt care

like he thought i was just being dramatic


this is my reality, just because youve been blessed with a healthy family and friends doesnt mean i have

so i feel bad about this part but i started yelling at him about how he couldnt keep that from me, especially when he knows about my circumstances and how i would be responsible if someone got sick or, god forbid, died

i feel really awful but i also think id rather feel bad about yelling at my friend than having to feel bad about killing someone because i was reckless

i talked to a few people about it and they agree with me but i want someone elses opinion just in case to (be honest please, its fine if you say i was too mean but dont discredit my circumstances if you do so)


i want to write a book

not a wattpad one, a real one

writing truly is one of my passions and i want to go somewhere with it, even if it wont help me get into fashion or business majors lmao 

(context: as of rn im looking at majoring in foreign business and minoring in fashion merchandising, its been my dream for a long time and im so excited for the future!)

i think id go for a nonfiction but idk, please leave ideas im very serious about this


if i started a calligraphy club at my school next year, do you think anyone would join

i love calligraphy and really want to do this but idk if people would join 

okkk thats all ily allllll

signing off,

norah <3

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