west side east side it dont matter anymore

25 2 13

puma is such a good song oml, listen to it rn cowards

im sad

i wish people could appreciate all of the shit i do for them

i work so hard to make people happy while i can barely make myself happy


if i spend a long time working on something for you, please dont brush it aside or tell me to be quiet because youre doing something else

literally a thank you would make me happy

that applies to most people i know

im very much aware that i seem like the kind of person who doesnt put a lot of effort into things but thats just an image so i dont seem so desperate

i actually care a lot and i put a lot of effort into things

it hurts to see that people dont care about my effort and thats the reason i pretend like i dont care as much as i do

maybe ill just stop doing things for other people

then i cant get hurt when they dont care


i just want to be seen

and heard

and appreciated

i just wanna feel loved, just a little


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