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why the hell do people ignore me so much?  why do people tell me that they love me and then ignore whatever i do, say theyre busy when its so painfully obvious that theyre talking to other people?  am i annoying?  did i do something wrong?  could i just be too clingy?  please, someone just tell me.

i get a lot of "why dont you just talk to someone else" but the problem is i cant.  i dont have as many friends as people think i do, i really dont have a lot of people i trust.  im talking to the few of you so much because youre all i have.

did you stop loving me?  have you just been lying to me so you could spare me the heartbreak?  at this point, getting the harsh truth would be better than living in a false reality.

or maybe im too clingy.  maybe i just am an attention seeking whore.  maybe youre just tired of seeing me try to start a conversation when you could be talking to someone you actually care about.  idk, i just want to hear from you, im tired of being ghosted constantly, im tired of seeing the dreaded "seen" under my messages.  why do i even try anymore?  i know your answer is always going to be no answer.

so here i am, listening to daisy on repeat trying to convince myself that my friends dont completely hate me, but failing.  whatever though, im fine.  i always have to be fine.

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