im backkkk

27 1 22

well hello there, have you missed me?

do yall even remember me?

hi, i havent updated shit in a longggg time.

it just started with me getting sick actually (not covid).  i didnt feel well enough to write and then after that i just kinda forgot to?  now i just dont have motivation but i wanted to hopefully start using my rant book again.

anyways let me catch yall up with whats been going on in my life.

first of all, i fell in love for the first time ever!!  but she didnt like me back probably and moved acorss the world a month ago so ive been trying to get over it.  but ive liked her for almost 8 months now so...

second, my best friend ava moved to san francisco and i have no idea how im going to survive next year without her.  we have a really great friend group but me and ava were always a bit closer with each other than everyone else and i just feel so comfortable around her and fuck idk what im gonna do.  

thrid, i start school in 13 days. 13 DAYS WHAT THE FUCK?????

fourth, i ult the boyz alongside nct now.  my biases are kevin and haknyeon in case anyone cares.  THRILL RIDE COMES OUT MONDAY SO STREAM IT!!  i listened to the album medley earlier and holy fuck nightmares and dancing till we drop sound sO GOOD?????  AND THE THRILL RIDE TEASER??? IM SO EXCITED GO LISTEN TO IT RN???  i may or may not have spent $80 (all of my money) to pre order the albums too...

fifth, ive been reading "i want to eat your pancreas" and OML WHEN I SAY IM OBSESSED I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT !!

thats about it.  ofc theres more going on behind the scenes of my life but the world doesnt need to hear about that yet.  maybe one day, once its all over

ive missed you guys and hopefuylly ill talk to yall more,


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