my sisters attempt at fanfiction

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youre on a walk

and you pass by some kid sitting in his car

and then you make this super long eye contact

hes kinda hot but also he like he is staring

it makes you uncomfortable

you walk away

hes following you

ok ok i really like this

no no no no no

he looks as youre hes wait did you write that hes following you

he does a head nod

he starts to wave but gets too shy to go through with the wave saulte or some thing

he has hazel eyes and long blonde hair

he looks exactly like your ex bf but like 1% hotter

you keep walking and you take a few turns and hes still 50 feet behind you so he could kidnap you but part of you likes that

you get worried so you walk towards him

he starts walking and he leads you to a dungeon

inside there are 1000000 little santa figurines and theyre all looking at you

he says "this is my home" 

the end

-written by me and chaya

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