fuck spanish class

45 3 9

im in spanish right now and like i think im going to cry because were supposed to be in breakout rooms but for some reason its not working for me and if i cant meet with my partner then i cant do the assignment and i already have a B and ive been working super hard to bring my grade back up because its my only grade that isnt an A.  my anxious ass is gonna be dead if my mother sees that i fail this assignment because i couldnt get in the correct meeting thing.

update from me 20 minutes later: i finally got put in a breakout room and ive been sitting here for a good 10 minutes and the people havent noticed me even though im doing all the work on the document so yay fuck spanish class.

im always that one person in a group project who ends up doing all the work and i hate it so much.  especially since the people in my group always take credit for my answers like sis if youre gonna make me do all the work to save your asses let me at least have a little credit.  

unrelated but i have apple by gfriend stuck in my head and like i wanna be able to do my work without my brain going WEEEOOOOWOWOWOWOWWWWWWW WEEEOOOOYAYAYAYAAAAAAA


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