Blame it on the kids pt.2

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Pans over to JB and BamBam who were sat next to each other on the plane next to a lady with a baby, the worst combination. They sit there quietly for the first part of the ride, as the plane had already taken off awhile ago. Since BamBam was kinda tired cause he didn't really sleep last night, he didn't talk a lot and wasn't as energetic. JB was so lucky that BamBam wasn't his problem, at least for right now. 

*a few minutes later*

JB was just chilling, head back in a neck pillow while he listened to his favorite kpop artist GOT7 he was having the time of his life. That is until he heard the slight hiccup of the baby next him over the song he was listening to titled "Not By The Moon". He turned his head to see that the baby was up and it was really fussy. JB of course knew what this meant, either it was feeding time and JB would have to get his eyes bothered. Or the baby would start crying, wake BamBam up and then he would have to deal with that mess. 

Just as suspected the baby starts crying and JB notices BamBam stirs in his sleep, obviously being awoken. He opens his eyes and sits up and his head turns to the baby crying and then to JB who is death staring him. They're also right next to each other so it just looks like JB was watching him sleep. "EW, bro were you watching me sleep" BamBam says and freaks out, not helping with the baby situation.

JB scoots over a little bit without touching the lady next to him. "No man I was just-" before he could finish his sentence BamBam stops him and looks at him offended.

"You were gonna kiss me, i'm sorry bro but this isn't sleeping beauty even though i am beautiful". 

Oh here we go again JB thinks in his head, he knows BamBam is gonna go off with his fantasy about people wanting to kiss him. But before they could start arguing again the baby cries louder and fussier, it looks like the mom doesn't really know what she's doing. She looks young about 23 years old but she should know how to handle her baby. 

Right now BamBam and JB are just staring over at her and the baby but the mom seems to not notice. BamBam then reaches over JB and the mother to touch the babies face. JB slaps his hand away and apologizes to the women. Thing is, the baby stops crying and the mom looks surprised. "I'm sorry young lady, my son has just never seen a baby", JB says and smiles at the lady. 

"Oh wow, you look a little young to have a kid" she replies, rocking her baby as she makes conversation. 

"I'm just short ma'am" JB says and smiles again.

They continue to talk and BamBam is not having it, he thinks he should be the one flirting with the girl instead, i mean look at him. It's not like he can do much about it though, honestly he's just happy that baby quiet down or else he would have to throw some hands. It's not like he would hit a baby though, he touched it and it stopped. 

So for the rest of the ride BamBam had to try to fall asleep to the sounds of his elder brother talking and or flirting with their fellow passenger. He was kinda miserable but not at all jealous...definitely not jealous.

"What's your babies name ma'am"

"Ha you don't have to call me ma'am we aren't strangers anymore, but his name is Yeo Hwanwoong"

"Aw he sure is cute, you should've seen little BamBam when he was a baby"

"Oh is that his name"

"Yep sure is"

"So i'm guessing he was cute as a baby too"

"No, absolutely not"

Little did JB know, BamBam was still up and he could hear everything them two were talking about. He knew JB would say something mean about him like that, he would have to get revenge somehow. be continued 

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