Blame it on the kids pt. 3

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The plane was quiet and most of the passengers were sleeping or were watching movies and listening to music. Jinyoung was sitting in his seat next to a girl about his age and her dad that had the window seat, jinyoung was jealous. But he had other priority's than looking out of the window and seeing a better view of the earth. It's not like it was anything special. Instead Jinyoung decided to pick up his little cassette tape with a few of his favorite podcast he had recorded on them. He also had a mix tape but when he realized the cassete tape player didnt play dvds, he was kinda stupid. And also he realized after that he picked up the wrong dvd anyway. The one he had was his dads old music he made a teen, and he already knew it was not gonna be pretty.

Because one time him and JB snuck out of their room in the middle of the night because earlier in the day they saw a few dvds and waited for a good chance. They played it on an old tv in their garage and lets just say they were scared for life. Jinyoung will have to break this dvd when they get to their destination. 

The little girl next to him starts talking to him as she had probably just woken up and had gotten energized quickly. Of course jinyoung doesn't hear her but he can feel her breathe on his neck as she turns her head to him. He doesn't want to acknowledge her because he just knows she won't leave him alone. When the girl is still talking, thinking that jinyoung is listening, he really has had enough. He really wants to smack a hoe (sorry) but he was taught not to hit girls so he listens to voices of his parents in his head. 

When she starts tapping on his shoulder is when he's had it, it's not he's gonna actually hit her...he's just gonna scare her a bit...with some words. 

"Oh my god will you please shut up for once in your life you're so annoying"-he says as he unplugs one of his earbuds out of his left ear. He can see the look on the girls face when he says this and he doesn't feel bad, not one bit. And the girl doesn't even try to say anything she's just sitting there, mouth open, she's baffled. 

"Oh what you don't have anything to say, because no ones actually told to shut your mouth". He starts and maybe he shouldn't go too far because he doesn't want to make this poor girl cry. 

"Maybe if your *daddy* would have told you to actually be prepared for this stuff then you wouldn't talk to me". He makes the word "daddy" longer as he spoke so he knows he would be heard. As he was thinking if that was too far, speak of the devil. Her dad had woken up and looks to them, confused. 

"Sire can you like smack some sense into your daughter cause she needs it" he says trying to sound sassy and annoyed. Maybe he's just doing this on purpose, you know, picking fights. He just thinks a way to express himself. "Don't look at me like that, she's really-pissing me off" he almost hesitated with that word, key word *almost*. 

The dad looks like he's about to say something but he's just as shocked as the little girl and nothing comes out of his mouth. Just as the dad thinks of something and opens his mouth to speak Jinyoung puts his hand up, almost telling the dad to shut up as well. But whats on his hand is something more than a shut up. On his palm read "frick off you tree" and no more words have to be said. Jinyoung sits back and put his earbud back in and continues listening to his podcast. He falls asleep and he knows when he wakes up he will get some kind of complaint. 

*A few hours later*

Everyone is awoken with the turbulence as the plane lands. Some people have already gotten up before the plane landed so they were more prepared than others. Youngjae was leaning his head on his old seat mate dude while Yugyeom lays his head on Youngjaes. 

JB got rejected by his and BamBam seat partner a few minutes in talking to her, BamBam saw it coming so he was happy. Also they had to switch seats cause the women got uncomfortable next to JB. 

Jinyoung went to sleep regretting his decision to roast that girl and her dad but he also had fun so oh well. He won't ever see them again in his life anyway. So while they were getting out of the plane, the flight attendances did have to talk to Mark and Jackson about their kids. Well it was mostly about how JB made the women uncomfortable and that Jinyoung was super mean to this girl and her brother. Yes that's right you heard it, the guy wasn't actually her dad it was her awfully old looking brother. Jinyoung almost feels bad but he decides-no.

Once the flight attendance was done with their statements Mark and Jackson looked at each other once and they had their excuse.

"Blame it on the kids" they say and take their bags and gather their kids and walk out to get some kind of car to drive to their hotel and have some fun. 


I feel like this chapter was written way better than the last few so i'm kinda proud so yea. I might rewrite the last chapters because i would want them to be just as good. But anyway that was it i hoped you at least some what enjoyed. bye bye :)

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