It could be worse

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continuation from last chapter (Backyard friends)

        When BamBam showed Mark the kittens, in hope that he would maybe say yes. To his disappointment one little look at the cute kitties and he said no. The sadness shot pain throughout BamBam's body in realization that he would have to leave these fellas behind.

      He then remembered falling down in the forest, only to get up and feel his shoulder crack. The only thing stopping him from worrying about it was the cries of help from the kittens. "Eomma, my shoulder hurts can you look at it" he tell Mark because the sting is unbearable now. He's just too sad to know he's hurt.

     They go inside and BamBam sits on the kitchen counter so Mark could reach him. When he lifts up his shirt to show his shoulder he winces at the contact. He sees his mom's face contort into fear. "Bam, how did this happen" he says worried, touching the big purple and black coloured bruise ever so lightly. BamBam could only look away in shame, he knew he would get in trouble for going in the forest so he decided not to tell Mark. 

"I don't know"

    Mark says they have to go to the hospital now, so they do. They took their one little car they owned, leaving the little kittens to play in BamBam's room all alone. Mark was driving hysterically, still freaking out because of his sons wound. 

     When they arrive Mark calls Jackson to give him the news while doctors take BamBam to emergency X-Rays. He gets emotional, telling his husband he wished he was their so he knew what happened and that if he watched him this wouldn't have happened. He has to hang up his call with Jackson when the doctors entered. Jackson said he'd be right over after he picked up the kids from school. 

 Luckily the doctors get done quick and they come out to tell Mark the details as to what happened. The problem was, BamBam wasn't with them when they came in the room.

     "Your son has fractured his collarbone, but it's not severe", just hearing that it wasn't bad made Mark feel like a weight was lifted off his shoulder. He had other question though, like were was BamBam and how was he doing, how did this happen, were they gonna do anything about it.

     He thought out loud and the doctors gave him all the necessary answers. They said he was in his own hospital room, getting treatment and that he was fine for now. BamBam made immense damaging contact with a solid object, causing his shoulder to pop and fracture his collarbone. They didn't know exactly what happened because he wouldn't tell anyone. One doctor also said that they were gonna have to keep him here for 2 to 4 weeks depending on his condition.

     This was saddening to hear for Mark, although he wanted BamBam to get what he needed and stay healthy, he didn't want him staying away for long. One day is up to what Mark can take. He knew BamBam wouldn't like it here because he would want to converse with everyone all the time and in a place like a hospital, it isn't that easy. Mark was more worried about BamBam flirting with the nurses than anything.

     "Can i go see him", Mark asked waiting in anticipation to see for himself if BamBam is truly doing his best. "No, unfortunately you can't, at least not right now", this broke Marks heart. A mother knows best weather their child is doing alright, no doctor could know. Mark kept telling himself that it's not that bad and surgery would be the worst thing that could happen. It gave him hope, but he just wanted to see BamBam sooner.

*a few hours later*

      BamBam is laying in his hospital bed thinking about what the kittens are doing. Maybe Mark would let him keep them because they rushed to the hospital without a second though about them. He really wanted those kittens, not just one or two or three, all of them. He didn't think it would be very nice to separate them from each other at such a young age. The kitten probably needed BamBam too because he didn't see any momma cats around.

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